Wie seriös ist 1&1 in 2024?

Früher war 1&1 ja eher ein schwarzes Schaf unter den Providern (ausserhalb von Marcel Davis). Weil die Berichte aber teilweise uralt sind, selbige Erfahrungen mit Freenet und Vodafone existieren und sich seit dem viel getan hat, wollte ich mal fragen, ob es derartige Auffälligkeiten auch weiterhin gibt.

Es muss nämlich leider ein neuer Anschluss her (leider kommen am neuen Standort weder Glasfaser noch n78 5G sowie Starlink in Frage) und Telekom ist natürlich relativ teuer, Vodafone scheinbar inzwischen auch, mal von persönlich eher gemischten Erfahrungen abgesehen und 1&1 scheint ganz gute Angebote zu haben. Wenn man zudem schonmal dabei ist, 1&1 hat meines Wissens nach ja kein IPv6 Dual-Stack sondern nur Dual-Stack Lite, entsprechend wäre es interessant, ob man eine öffentlich erreichbare IPv4 oder bestenfalls natürlich statische IPv4 bei 1&1 bekommen könnte.

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11 months ago

DSL Is DSL which DSL provider you take, no matter what. The only exception is Telekom, which is the manager. The technical problems of any other DSL provider also 1&1, must pass on the disturbances. That was also during the conversation. The good KD employee calls Deutsche Telekom’s fault hotline, which starts the line. that often worked enough.

We had (I am unfortunately no longer there because of the reduction in employment) at 1&1 in the technical hotline, by the way 60 min conversation time … then a team leader came to see if we could get clear. That was good for the FB facility. No, absolutely no provider has such customer service.

Deutsche Telekom KD have a quick interference in the field. And more. When my DSL connection sacked by 50%, the technician came the next day. Telekom is responsible until the Apl. This is the technical point in which the cable comes into the house everything else is KD thing.

It was my TAE hanging on the router, which he also changed. This happens less at a third Kd.

However, if you don’t get in touch, someone will help you.

11 months ago

I’ve been exploring for 14 years and can’t complain

11 months ago

Be since 2012 Customer

Got an old contract double-flat incl. Fritzbox(30€) . Because of network modernization I got a new FB . Once I had a fault, technicians discovered loose cables in the basement . Help number I have always reached without a long waiting period, a patient employee helped me to set up the Microsoft account .

11 months ago

I’ve been on mobile and fixed network for years. Offers were top then, immediately added. Support nice and reasonably fast. So everything has always been good.

11 months ago

Previously, 1&1 was rather a black sheep among providers

I don’t know why that is. I’ve been at 1 & 1 for over 6 years and have no problems.

11 months ago

Marcel D’avis is still head of 1 and 1, I would entrust him to my life

11 months ago

It is a well-known and reputable provider.