How do you lower the toxic player level in online games?
always stupid sayings and people who don't know anything and then hate you and want you to delete yourself both in the game and in real life
always stupid sayings and people who don't know anything and then hate you and want you to delete yourself both in the game and in real life
Have you ever called there, and how did the conversation go? I've tried three times, but they never have any available employees. I've called at around 10 p.m., 12 a.m., and 7 a.m. each time. What time would be appropriate? And did anyone call you? LG Valya
Hello So my parents are separated and at first I thought that I wasn't really interested but I was wrong When my brothers moved out, something changed between me and my parents. I can no longer talk to him. It's somehow more comfortable for me to do something with them, even if it's just saying…
For several months now, I've suspected I might be depressed. I just feel empty, and there's no specific reason for it. It's as if someone has sucked the joy out of my life. Sometimes I just want to cry for three hours straight. I really want it to stop.
Hey, I'd like to celebrate my 15th birthday soon. I'd like to have a big party at home, so my parents are letting me use the house. We have quite a bit of space inside and out. My question now is how many people I should invite, because I would actually like to invite a…
My boyfriend has a little half-sister, she's 4. The three of us were out today, and I was in a bad mood when I saw her. I felt rather sad, and that lasted for about 2 hours. I also feel sad when I see other children, and I don't know where it comes from. It…
Hello, in the world of games, make the sound.
are people writing the dead????
I will