Wie selbstbewusster wirken/werden?
Frage steht oben, bin halt im Alltag/Schule ziemlich introvertiert. Habt ihr Tipps wie ich wieder selbstbewusster werden kann?
Frage steht oben, bin halt im Alltag/Schule ziemlich introvertiert. Habt ihr Tipps wie ich wieder selbstbewusster werden kann?
Hallo zusammen und zwar habe ich ein Problem was ich so zuvor noch nicht gehört habe. Nämlich wenn ich etwas komisch finde oder mich etwas triggert dann fühlt sich alles für eine Sekunde alles sehr verwirrt an. Was ich damit meine ist ich sehe ganz kurz alles sehr verschwommen und alles wackelt so komisch, es…
Hallo, ich habe leider ein Problem, das ich seit Jahren versuche zu bekämpfen. Ich hatte vor allem in meiner Kindheit ein paar Schicksalsschläge, die mich sehr belastet haben bzw. immer noch belasten. Ich habe mich immer sehr alleine gefühlt. Anfangs habe ich noch Sicherheit bei meiner Mutter gesucht, aber irgendwann meinte sie, dass ich einfach…
Ich hatte früher lange Zeit sehr schlimme Gedanken und wollte immer mir was an… Heute nehme ich Psychopharmaka, allerdings nur eine Tablette. Ich wollte nie Psychopharmaka nehmen früher, habe mich aber dann doch „überzeugen“ lassen. Die Dosierung ist nicht (mehr) sonderlich hoch. Für mich käme auch keine hohe Dosis in Frage. Ich hatte aber auch…
TW Mir gehts in letzter zeit nicht so gut da ich oft über alles zu sehr nachdenke genausO wie ich mich umbr!ngen könnte und was davon die folgen wären usw.. Außerdem fühl ich mich sehr alleine gelassen und das ich nur existiere und nicht lebe usw.. wie könnte ich einen platz bei der Therapie bekommen?…
Hallo zusammen, seit ungefähr 8-10 Tagen habe ich immer wieder ein andauerndes Druckgefühl im Kopf. Es sind keine Schmerzen aber es löst ein komisches Gefühl aus. Dazu wird mir leicht schwindelig und ich fühle mich etwas benommen. Das Gefühl wird meistens stärker wenn ich spazieren gehe oder nichts aktives zu tun habe. Dazu kommt noch…
To work and become more confident, you can apply a few simple strategies. Start with your posture: Stand and sit straight, hold back the shoulders and try to keep eye contact regularly. A friendly smile can also make a big difference.
Clothing and appearance also play a role. Dress up so that you feel comfortable and care for a good body care. A well-maintained appearance can significantly increase your self-confidence.
Your mental attitude is crucial. Focus on your strengths and remember your successes. Accept yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses and visualize how you act confidently and successfully.
Finally, the way you communicate is important. Speak clearly and at a reasonable pace. Avoid fill words and listen actively to your conversation partner. Show interest in what he or she says. All these steps can help to make you feel more confident and self-confident.
Hello Lukas,
First of all, I want to tell you that you are not alone. It is normal that many young people have to fight with lack of self-confidence. But I want you to understand that you are unique and that you have the potential to feel confident and confident.
You’re much stronger than you might believe right now. It is important to realize that self-confidence is not something that comes from the outside or that you simply acquire. It is a journey that requires time, patience and work. But trust me, it’s worth it.
One of the first things you can do is to recognize yourself and identify your strengths. Everyone has talents and skills that make them unique. Take your time to think about your successes, whether in school, in sports, in your hobbies or in other areas. Write a list of these successes and remember it regularly. This will help you strengthen your confidence.
It is also important to be surrounded by positive people. Find friends who support you and accept you as you are. Spend time with people who encourage you and help you believe in yourself. Avoid people who pull you down or criticize you all the time. You deserve to be surrounded by people who build you.
Another way to strengthen your self-confidence is to try new things and expand your comfort zone. Sometimes we feel insecure because we move in a limited frame. Be it a new hobby, a new sport or a different kind of challenge. By opening up new experiences, you will not only develop new skills, but also strengthen your self-confidence.
It is also important to treat yourself lovingly. Be patient with yourself and accept that there will be heights and depths on the way to self-confidence. Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them. Treat yourself with kindness and respect your own limits. Avoid negative self-conversations and impose them through positive and building statements. You are valuable and deserve to love yourself.
Finally, I would like to say that you are not alone. There are many resources and support systems you can use to. Talk to a trusted person, be it a family member, a friend, a teacher or an advisor. Sometimes it may be helpful to use professional help to support you in your journey to self-confidence.
Believe in you and your potential to become a self-confident and self-confident person! Remember that it takes time, but you will make progress. Be patient, be kind to yourself and trust in your skills.
If you believe in God, I finally have an encouraging thought for you: God sees us completely different from that which people generally do. He does not pay attention to special achievements or gifts and not to externalities. What counts for him is our innermost being.
Therefore it is in the Bible: “For God does not see things as man, because man only sees what appears before his eyes, but Jehovah [or God] sees in the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). So he knows exactly what kind of person you actually are, even though many others do not recognize. And if you love him, you are very valuable in his eyes, and he will help you with all your problems!
LG Philipp
Thank you
Thank you!
Do you have to talk to yourself, make sports, improve attitude (make a lot of things), good clothes in which you feel comfortable, good self-image and self-security. Try to figure out what you don’t like and communicate. There are many rethoric tips on YouTube for a self-confident appearance. How to maintain conversations with other people.
You should also communicate a lot with people and bring a routine in. At some point, it’ll be natural.
Work things with which you can flexxen.
If you’re rich, you don’t need to be afraid to feel poor.
If you’re strong, you don’t feel weak.
Do something out of you and then you’re self-confident.
Close friends
I did, but I am not as self-conscious as I would like