Wie sein PC beim Umzug transportieren und soll ich die HDD rausnehmen und extra verpacken?
Ziehe im August um weswegen ich jetzt schon am überlegen bin wie ich mein PC transportiere
Den mache mir besonders Sorgen um meine HDD
Da sind viele wichtige Daten drauf und eine Festplatte kann ich mir erstmal nicht leisten
Wie transportiere ich den PC am besten ohne schaden?
Sollte ich die HDD rausnehmen und extra verpacken?
Bin auch am überlegen mir eine SD Karte zum speichern aller Fotos zu holen
You don’t have to take the HDD out. But if you can do it, it’s not a big effort. I’d build the graphics card. Depending on the size, the CPU cooler is also possible.
Hi, if you have a large processor fan or graphics card in it, shocks can give a problem. My PC sender always pact teie bag with a kind of building foam, so the parts are optimally supported.
Hard drive should not take any damage during transport. A backup should be done so odef.
Take docc the PC in the car and leave the rest in the truck.
HDD out. Then you can buy a chemical foam on the Internet that protects the interior by blowing yourself up. Then pack it in a cardboard with freshening foil and transport it so.
Sounds like a lot of work
Will a long discussion with my parents
Should I retrieve an SD card to save the data in emergency
Are 156gb of photos and videos that mean a lot to me
Losing the game data would be a pity but also not so bad
I only care about all the memories
Well, that’s best. The HDD is the most important. As long as you have it, the PC doesn’t care. Take them out first and keep them good. Pc is holding this foam best
You can leave HDD in if you want. Here is a link to the foam: https://www.ep-mediastore-ab.de/instapak-quick-rt10-foam packaging-p-86236.html