Wie seid ihr vom Rauchen weg gekommen?
Würde mich einfach mal interessieren 🙂
Würde mich einfach mal interessieren 🙂
Hi, wenn ich 1 Zigaretten in einem Raum rauche wie lange dauert es bis der Geruch weg ist. Denke so 7-8 Stunden Fenster offen oder?
An die, die sie auch vegetarisch/vegan ernähren: Wie schafft ihr es auf euer Eiweiß zu kommen am Tag? (Man soll ja ca. 1g pro Körpergewicht essen.)
Ich hab gestern sehr viel E-Zigarette geraucht von einem Kumpel. Ich bin eigentlich Nichtraucher. Die Nikotinstärke war 20 mg. Das war so ein Einweg Ding was man wegschmeißt wenn es leer ist. Jetzt ist mir seit gestern speiübel und ich musste mich mehrfach übergeben. Kann das eine Nikotinvergifung sein?
Ich habe in meinem Leben eine einzige Zigarette geraucht krieg ich jetzt Krebs 😭 wann kommt es ? Wann kann ich mich bei meiner Familie verabschieden
In erster Linie auf Youtube (für mich) richtig nervig. Allerdings verstehe ich, dass die Creator und Betreiber auch Geld verdienen müssen/wollen. Trotzdem ist (sehr viel Werbung, nur laut, lästig und meist total uninnovativ). Ich hab mich deshalb gefragt Was passieren müsste dass Menschen die einen AdBlocker nutzen diesen nicht mehr brauchen/oder sagen ich kaann mit…
Ich bin 17 und wohne mit meiner Mutter zusammen. Meine Ma hat eine Psychose und muss Tabletten nehmen. In den letzten Jahren hat sie die immer wieder abgesetzt und landete in der Psychiatrie. Wenn sie dann so krank wird ist es sehr krass und ich gehe durch die Hölle. Kommt sie zurück aus dem Krankenhaus…
My mother, who had smoked for 40 years and I had smoked for three years, went to hypnosis.
That was a mass hypnosis.
Some people smoked right after that. My mother and I stopped. There was a CD and you had to massage the little finger every day.
Five years after my mother stopped smoking, she got lung cancer.
I was retired, the bed neighbor said that to my mother.
But then my will prevailed. I gave old ashes and tipping into a screwed glass and whenever I wanted to smoke, I smelled it and was cured right away, maybe it works with you too?
I wish you good luck.
Yes I find the smell really disgusting
I was a strong smoker for many years. About one and a half years ago, after a violent flu, I stopped at a stroke. And everything without planning or anything else. It just didn’t do me well anymore. I can only recommend it to everyone! It’s worth listening to this truck immediately without a swamp!
It is easier to say than done
You have to roll it.
Try not to use anything — no “slowly smoke”. First you have to want it all and then just stop.
How did you do that?
It was a little difficult at first. But if you really want it, it is
That’s it!
I give up.
How far do you mean that?
You’re right. You can choose between Pest and Cholera.
But you don’t have the same withdrawal symptoms
Looks like addiction. This has nothing to do with vomiting.
Scientifically, the addiction to nicotine is as strong as the addiction to heroin. Unbelievable but true.
Yes, but that one gets such withdrawal symptoms as in alcohol is bullshut! I don’t know who had to vomit in the smoker escape
Voilà. You’re addicted!
Like I said, I couldn’t smoke for three days, but it was very difficult for me. I became mega aggressive and depressive
Good. Then I’ll make you a suggestion. Just stop! It only costs money, doesn’t really taste, and you have the great risk of dying of cancer. Why don’t you just do it?
If you start getting nervous, and you need a cigarette, I’ll tell you, you’re addicted! I can talk, I was affected myself. For 20 years I don’t smoke anymore
No. I started with 19 and am now 23. So the withdrawal phenomena will not become so bad
Yes. The addiction begins very early
Yes, as if… Maybe smoked with a strong smoker who has smoked over 20 years, but not with someone who is still young and only smokes for 4 years
So you have correct physical withdrawal symptoms like alcohol?
Because the body still needs the poison. After all, it is a real addiction
Can I ask how far difficult?
After 30 years of smoking and unable to stop, I exchanged the dumps for e-cigarettes and was therefore absolutely smoke-free within a few days.
Very good!
The decision was taken to smoke a “default cigarette” and then never touched a cigarette again. 🤷
Respect! Did you have withdrawal symptoms?
Ging actually better than expected. Of course, there have always been violent riots for a few minutes. But this is also fast. Just sort of distract! 😁
No. At least no physical. At first, it was just this mental change in situations where the cigarette became a habit. For example, a cigarette for coffee. But that’s where I was gone.
Definitely! This is still positive on top of it!
Yes and you saved a lot of money and the money I could invest again on holiday 🙂
If you really want that, then you can do it too!!! 👍🤗 And above all, always think about it, you do and your health a great favor with it!
Work hard with the topic COPD. I have lost two very dear people through this disease. Smoking is the most common trigger for COPD. Be sure you don’t want to end! That alone should be incentive enough.
Yeah, I’m very hard to imagine, but great you did. I hope I can make it
I replaced it with a new addiction, namely the Internet.
That’s just as stupid.
No, not at all.
But better than smoking, and I mean, next thing you can work on it.
In any case, much healthier 🙂
Every addiction sucks
Just stop.
How did you not manage to start again?
Avoid old packs and consciously decide not to buy new ones or take them from others. You just have to be consistent and keep in mind what you do to yourself and that it doesn’t bring you any smoke.
In my environment, everyone smokes, but I just don’t want it.
Unfortunately, but everyone feels in my environment. My mother zb
simply no longer lit since 01.06. Now
And how are you doing this, so about the withdrawal symptoms?
pretty good
just didn’t light the tip.
Did you have withdrawal symptoms?
I just didn’t buy cigarettes anymore.
How was the withdrawal for you?
I actually didn’t have one. Even after prolonged, intense alcohol abuse (I have drunken like a hole) in the coronary period, I had no withdrawal symptoms. I don’t tend to be physically addicted.
Yes, very important. All smokers immediately dispose of utensils, and don’t blossom “reserves” anywhere!
Well, I still have lighters that I need in everyday life.
Too bad, but you can.
It was like that with me. Didn’t have any problems to stop it, but with smoking it’s funny to me that it’s hard to stop.