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BVSS - Stottern & Selbsthilfe

A qualified stotter therapy has helped many of us, yes.

There are two recognized, effective methods – the stotter modification and the fluency shaping (speak restructuring) – which are also offered combined.

In short, you will learn either not to let your stutter arise during speaking or to allow your stuttering and to change it to gain control over it. You can find more detailed information on our information page (scroll down to the Infothek, where we explain the methods in more detail): More about therapy possibilities and methods can be found on our website in this area:

You can also call our free telephone expert advice on stotter therapy: 0221 139 1108, always on Thursdays from 17-20 hrs and Fridays from 12-14 hrs. You can talk to an experienced, qualified logoped woman who can answer your questions competently and, if necessary, can also provide you with addresses from our Stotterherapeut directory.

And if you want to exchange with young stutterers, for example about their therapy experiences, then “flow”, our young self-help is something extra for you: self-help

Good luck!

5 months ago

Logopedics helped me and it also grew up in the course of time. Now I barely stutter when I’m excited or scared.

5 months ago

With a friend of mine, it has become better by logopedia, much better.

I don’t know what he did, but I guess he helped.