Wie seht ihr die Zukunft in Hinblick auf künstliche Lebensformen mit KI?

Wenn wir gedanklich uns 30 bis 50 Jahre vorwärts bewegen, was meint ihr, wie weit sind dann wohl künstliche Lebensformen ausgestattet mit einer KI?

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2 years ago

I do not expect that in 50 years there will be “artificial forms of life” that deserve the name “life form”. Life is now something else, especially in terms of reproduction.

But what we call “artificial intelligence” will progress quickly and help us with more and more tasks. But I still see a very large, barely overcome distance between human intelligence and AI.

There were great successes on individual topics such as chess or navigation, but there is also a question whether sheer computing power is really intelligence. If chess programs are intelligent or just a form of “it is counted a lot and then decided on the basis of humanly programmed rules”. I tend very strongly to the latter. Artificial intelligence has become a fashion word and a buzzword, but real intelligence has hardly been generated or not at all.

The real limit of AI is artificial consciousness. I don’t see that yet. Miles away.

As far as intelligent robots are concerned, I imagine that there will be something. But I don’t see that humanoid robots will be deceptively real in 50 years. Skin, muscles, movement… all too difficult to implement perfectly. But it will gradually improve.

2 years ago

AI will always be only tools – but never artificial life form with consciousness.