Wie seht ihr das?
angenommen man hat abi fertig und man meldet sich auf ne stele die auch nur abi benötigt. und angenommen ihr seid noch sehr jung und habt noch überhaupt keine erfahrung. was würdet ihr als gehaltsvorstellung angeben wenn man euch fragt? den qualifizierten mindestlohn? bisschen mehr? weiss nämlich nicht was ich sagen soll denn ich will nämlich nicht übertreiben und ein schlechtes bild hinterlassen
You never leave a bad picture when you negotiate your salary. First, you have to do a training. At this time, you don’t talk about your salary.
If you’re ready to ask for your salary, you always go a bit higher than you actually want. This has nothing to do with a bad picture you want to avoid.
As newcomers, you should always talk about an initial salary for which you are willing to work for a while. After all, you have no professional experience and cannot expect to get the salary of an employee who has done the job for 20 years. But it must nevertheless be clear that you want to earn over short or long.
The specific level depends on many factors. First and foremost from the place of residence, the industry and the employer.
Greeting Matti
If you apply to a place with Abitur, you should also be able to German 😉
I would always be guided by the collective agreement for this industry
What industry, what region?
Get smart
no warning. in Luxembourg.