Wie sehr verändert sich die Sprunghöhe durch geeignetes Aufbautraining?
hallo zusammen 🙂
ich habe einen Isländer als Reitbeteiligung und ich habe in dem Letzten 3/4 Jahr vermehrt daran gearbeitet dass er das langfristig springen kann und auch Höhe. Ich habe also Bergtraining gemacht, die Hinterhand trainiert durch Rückwärtsrichten, Wendungen ect. Wir sind sogar alle 2 Wochen mit dem Hänger zum Aquatrainer gefahren. Das Springen macht ihm Spaß, da arbeitet er immer besonders gut mit und entwickelt einen ordentlichen Vorwärtsdrang. Inzwischen springt er E Höhe, also 90 cm. Jetzt würde mich mal interessieren wie sehr das Training die Sprunghöhe verändert hat. Ich bin vor dem Training noch nie wirklich mit ihm gesprungen, nur so Cavalleti. (40 cm). Da hat er zu 50 Prozent gerissen. War es weil er das noch nicht ernst genommen hat oder kann das Training um 50 cm Sprunghöhe erhöhen?
danke im Voraus:)
E is already borderline for an Isi. He can never coordinate and intercept through his body construction as it would be necessary that the legs do not suffer. In addition, only a few people can really master the hypermobility of the Isi legs so well that they can ride dressage as it is necessary for a jumping horse. Now are more bred for a different kind of movement.
But I forgot – always makes the horses soooo fun… and always the Isi, Tinker, Hafis, Friesen… such a coincidence but also. And also 0 lies on the own egoism of the riders.
Of course, the better one can jump when he is trained specifically on it, he actually has a certain drive, yet I find that something just doesn’t have to be. Targeted making horses plating is not okay!
Dressur is not a problem for him. He’s only 3 singers. Last year the owner E Dressur was placed. I haven’t been dressage performers this year except a WBO E dressage.
thank you for your answer!
Of course, Dressur is not a problem for an Isi. Would be a certificate of poverty if it wasn’t enough for E. For a horse which should jump healthy, however, too little.
Okay. I didn’t have to jump higher. Thank you for your answers!
I would really jump with an Isi absolutely no higher than E – u. that is already marginal. Once over Cavaletti, if you have to jump with such an animal, it is sufficient. As with humans – not everyone is suitable for all sports. What the one loosely completed means for the other maximum performance – corresponding is also wear. Always remember that.
Okay. You think I should leave the jumping again?
The height comes more through the lining and of course also the size. With an Isi you won’t be able to go S jumps, even if you still work so much on it. Of course, the attention and behaviour at the jump itself changes through good training. Gymnastics jumps promote the bascule, as well as ordinary dressage work. And of course, the pony also learns to lift his feet, to estimate distances and distances/height correctly, to find the right jumping point and between the obstacles to sort his legs so that it goes through the task without great difficulty.
This is then trained from the Cavaletti to the highest possible jump of the animal. S still does not go;)
Yes, I know.
I was just wondering if he could get this from the beginning or if it comes through the training:)
thanks for the answer!
Both. As I said, it plays both training and predisposition with pure;)
Jumping has less to do with strength, but with rhythm, balance and timing.
The height comes only through regular jumping. Otherwise, any S dressage horse could be without exercise by nen M-Parcours. They have really muscles.
That your horse didn’t take jumps seriously is a bust. No horse does not take a jump seriously enough! There was exactly what I wrote above! And to understand: Jumping is 99% gallop training. And Galopp is now not the strength of the Icelandic. You might have an exceptional talent here. But the talent is not in the power of leap. Your horse’s talent is the gallop.