Wie sehr können Drogen die Leistung beim Sport beeinträchtigen?
Wie beeinflussen verschiedene Drogen die Leistung im Sport? Damit meine ich Drogen wie Alkohol, Cannabis, Speed etc.
Ich habe gehört das Leute die intensiv Kraftsport betreiben gerne vor dem Training Speed oder Alkohol trinken, warum machen sie das? Haben manche Drogen Vorteile im Sport? Wenn ja, welche Droge in welchem Sport?
Of course, Speed zb causes the body to spill adrenaline. This affects pain relieving, it increases vigility and oxygen supply.
For what sport you can do with cannabis, I could not find out after more than 30 years of intensive research. Snowboarders were sometimes disqualified because they were stoned. They didn’t care. I think for curling if you’re not the coward.
Cocaine is great for Martial Arts. You are extremely focused and if you get one in your mouth, you hardly feel that
Dance sports, make sure MDMA makes sense.
Yes, to call cannabis as a doping agent is quite slanted, had some discussions already. Cannabis is a pure recreational drug. It relaxes and makes rather lazy, so it is not suitable for doping.
So if you count chess into sports, maybe. I am also not just legalizing for it, but making it compulsory for drivers. You no longer need a speed limit.😂😂
I’m not playing chess. I thought I could sit calmly for so long. 🤣
Cannabis at chess is good! Although, the thoughts of a accused person should make it difficult for the opponent to decrypt their own strategy because there is simply no coherent strategy. 😁
alcohol you have fun but bad in sports
Cocaine are you the best and strongest
Own experience
In what sport did you have the experiences?
Football Batman Basketball
But certainly not targeted
drunk football I am making fun of