Wie sehr beeinträchtigt die mündliche Note?
In der Grundschule hatte ich überwiegend 3en und 4en, und ein paar 2er. 5 und 6 hatte ich zwar nie aber auch niemals eine 1 auf dem Zeugnis.
Mit mündlicher Beteiligung wäre ich wohl mindestens eine Note besser geweden. Nur in mündlichen Sprachgebrauch hat die Lehrerin ein Auge zugedrückt und mir eine 4 gegeben. Es war wohl eher eine 5.
Das hat dann auch dafür gesorgt das ich nur eine blöde Hauptschulempehlung bekam. Ich wäre damals wohl lieber auf Realschule übergegangen.
Ist es wahr das die mündliche Mitarbeit 50% der Note ausmacht?
This is often the subject and the school.
With us, the oral note never had more than 40% – usually more than 30% as long as it was not a subject like sports.
Although it should happen.
But in general, the system is very poor – according to the 4. In my eyes, one can badly determine whether a child can really go to primary school, real school or high school. And coming down from the schools to get up is extremely difficult.
I would always strive for the highest. Gymnasium. If the child doesn’t make it, it can still go down.
It can’t be answered.
In music it was with us at 50%. However, it is also a compartment in which many things happen orally and actively.
In Mathe, for example, was orally only at 30% or in English at 40%.
As the weighting falls, often decides according to school form, class level and how teachers put the weighting if they have room there.
That’s all about the subject. With us it is so in foreign languages that the oral note is 40% and 50% in all other subjects.
In a language it should also be 50%. You have to speak a language.
I also think, however, the work counts 40%, tests 20% and orally just 40%