Wie schwer ist es als Selbstständiger einen Kredit für einen Immobilienkauf zu bekommen?

Wenn man ein gutes Einkommen hat, aber die Selbstständigkeit erst seit 2-3 Jahren besteht. Die Bank kann ja schlecht abschätzen, ob das Einkommen in den kommenden Jahren stabil ist.

Hat jemand von euch Erfahrung damit?

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2 years ago

Your total bonus is important. At 2-3 years of self-employment, a bit of future prospects can be seen. “Good income” is also a very broad term.

2 years ago

This is due to the creditor’s assessment, the bank, of your company. If everything goes well, you get a relatively high overdraft. For example, if you have receivables, the operation is classified as insecure and the overdraft is shortened. It is no other way to award loans that always apply with a self-contribution and are intended. Other securities are already favourable for this, if there is any understanding?

2 years ago

Very hard, to impossible. It also depends on the level of equity and other collateral.

The best way to try it with the big internet mediators who can access various banks.

2 years ago

Harder, but still possible and not excluded.

2 years ago

This is always a bad starting point for a loan. As the bank estimates, no one can know here. Only in general is it more difficult to get a loan as an independent one and the capital required should also be higher

2 years ago

Is different from bank to bank and different from consultant to consultant.

2 years ago

with 2-3 years of self-employment, this is likely to be difficult to impossible

you need at least. 50% equity to reduce the risk… otherwise no bank will wake up