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Create a PayPal account and enjoy benefits account creation/
Navigate first to your “Twitch Wallet” page by clicking on your profile icon at the top right and selecting the “Twitch Wallet” menu. There you can view a list of your current payment methods and a list of subscriptions using the respective payment methods. payment-payment-information-transaction-history?language=de#:~:text=Navigiere%20als%20first%20to%20dones who use 20%20e%20each%20each payment methods%20
Thanks for the star.
Creating a PayPal account is all easy, you go to this website, select the account type and create an account.
And here’s a guide from Twitch to link. payment information transaction history?language=de
and is that sure such a paypal account or can someone withdraw money?
Such an account is safe if you do not click on Fake-PayPal links and enter your data. Furthermore, I would recommend that you also activate the 2-factor authentication, bringing a bit more protection.
You can’t withdraw money, you have to connect an account to which the money can be paid.
It is easier to negotiate tax law more than the whole then later;)
Why tax law? It doesn’t matter how much money I get donated? In addition, 99% of all Twitch Streamers don’t make a tax statement!
Because it’s revenue and they have to be taxed apart from that you have to sign up a business with profit intention.
If everyone does, I can’t tell you, all the bigger ones do it, but in any case you can assume.
Where no judge there is no plaintiff but tax evasion is one of the things that the German bureaucracy does not understand any fun.
This is very easy for full-year students who are legally compliant with PayPal.
And all others must not use PayPal anyway.