How difficult is studying medicine?

I (m/16) plan to study medicine and am currently finishing my Abitur. I have a few small questions.

• Can you study medicine with an average grade of 1.6?

• How did you realize you wanted to study medicine? (To recent graduates)

• How strenuous is the entire course of study? How exciting or even boring is it?

• How difficult are the exams in the course and how long do you take to write them?

I would be happy if these questions could be answered, as they would help me choose a career.

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1 year ago

I have to disagree with the previous comments, with a 1.6 degree you still have good chances. Your cut alone will not be enough.

I advise you: Prepare well for the TMS, you will probably need a result of 80%+. A FSJ can get the last points again.

Then it has extra possibilities for individual universities such as interviews or the HamNat if you are not dependent on the location.

If you like to have questions about the TMS commentary, even the pleasure had

It will probably not help you say that it will be exhausting but also exciting. But what might help you: the diarrhea rates are quite low, as those who create it in their studies usually also have the necessary discipline.

1 year ago
Reply to  kxrd47

I’m just interested in medical science. You can see what kind of subjects you have in medical studies. From medical work I am also not currently absent, although you do not have to become a doctor after studying.

The selection procedure works according to a point system. You get points for your cut and for your TMS result. Your total number of points is then compared to competitors. In the rate about 50/50 relevant to you, so the TMS already makes quite a lot.

1 year ago

The hardest thing about medical studies is getting a place to study.

Medical studies are extremely popular, there are always gigantic masses of applicants.
But the medical places are extremely close. They are only sufficient for a very small part of applicants => only for the very best candidates.

With Abi-Schnitt 1.6, the chances are (almost)=0.

At many universities the available medical study places are not even enough for all applicants with 1.0

1 year ago

Nowadays, you can’t study medicine with 1.6, or you have to wait a few semesters. Like this in three years is to wait.

The study is very difficult. That’s what you see at the high dropout rates.

The exams are also difficult. Is the time so important? Some hours…

1 year ago
Reply to  bergquelle72

or you have to wait a few semesters

There’s no more.
The award of a place of study on waiting period was abolished for a few years in medical studies.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rubezahl2000


What is there instead as an alternative to Abi with 1.0?

1 year ago

TMS and medical training can increase the chances, but realistically even if the cut is in the upper 1 range. At 1.6, the chances are almost zero.
At many universities the available medical study places are not even enough for all applicants with 1.0.

By the way, to the drop-off rate: Medical studies have a very low dropout rate. Anyone who has managed to obtain a medical study site usually also manages to study.

1 year ago

the NC for medicine is 1.0

1 year ago

At 1, 6, you won’t have many chances.