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Look at my own plate and ask me: is it still important in 5 years? If someone has a bad mood at work: his problem, not mine. Then I try to keep away, my poor mirror neurons:-D
Does this also apply to workmates, where the mother has inappropriately? I mean the question seriously for differentiation. It’s a bad mood for everyone.
I decide who I give my energy.
When it comes to cheese or small stuff, I just don’t care.
Many people nowadays make out mosquitoes of elephants. You can just whistle on it.
What would be an example in both cases? So if I can ask?
Puh good question there are some.
“I broke my fingernail and it doesn’t really hurt, but I’ll tell you about it for no reason for 10 minutes.” e.g.
It’s just that small stuff. That was always exaggerated. But it happens every day.
Someone tells a complete cheese and makes a little drama.
Okay, I get it. Thank you.
If someone doesn’t mean anything to me, I don’t care
Is that normal? Bzw the standard? You don’t care if someone you don’t know has an accident and gets thrown out of the car? The question is serious about understanding. So no critique.
This is always bad and happens every minute… every second happens to someone. Isn’t beautiful but natural are emotions that you love or like much more important and go close to me
Not at all, I am an emphatic person who likes to take part in the emotions of other people.
Look, easy.
You see people, arrange them, are idiots or nice people.
I’ll ask you something, do you want to be insulted by nice people or get a compliment from them? And do you want to be insulted by idiots or get a compliment?
Answer these questions honestly
No offenses, compliments not necessary. Common respect. That would be my answer, but I do not know whether I have correctly interpreted the question.
So my punk is, you really want to be insulted by nice people? Probably not, that would make you unworthy as a nice person. But you certainly want to get compliments from nice people, or just be treated nicely.
That’s the opposite of idiots. You don’t want to get a compliment from an idiot, that would make you an idiot. But you want to be insulted by such people, as you know, you do everything right and you don’t need to listen to them