Wie schreibt man ein gutes Liebesgeständnis?
Ich schreibe gerade eine Liebesgeschichte. Ich habe schon ein paar Kapitel und bin mit den meisten ganz zufrieden. Aber ich habe Probleme mit den Liebesgeständnis.
Alles was ich bisher geschrieben habe war sehr kitschig und oder künstlich.
Hat jemand eine Idee/Situation wie man so ein Liebesgeständnis gut einbauen kann?
Die Figuren sind beides Jugendliche.
Young people who make a love confession are always cheesy. Everything else would be weird.
I haven’t written this so often, but I know a few tips:
The main person…
Hope I could help!
Leave it.
A confession of love does not begin a relationship of love, but at most strengthens an existing one. And as it works on me, you have to use this confession as the start of the relationship. But that’s just nonsense and doesn’t even look good at Schnulzen-Romanen. In addition, it brings (even youthful) readers completely wrong ideas about love and relationship.
And if you don’t find your own words for such scenes, you don’t like them well enough and how should they ever like them? As an author, you must always be the sharpest and most merciless critic.
The love relationship also does not begin with the love confession. Beiden is already aware that they love each other.
I also ask this question to just get some inspiration, not to copy something one.
I don’t like such snuffy stuff, by the way. Love does not show through deeds and behavior: “My love for you is like the full moon in the night sky.”
But “it is clear that they love each other” and “lead a love relationship” are two completely different things.
I always advise on such questions here: for a confession of love it is sometimes between the 100th and 200th. Kiss and the 2nd and 5th times sex early enough.
If the two are “clear” in a mystical-magic way that they love each other, you have done something wrong as an author, because you can’t know something like that, but at the most you suspect. Even if you get a love confession, you cannot know what the other person thinks and feels.
Everything you look at as a love testament can be simply “normal” or “friend” behavior for the other person.
But good, you’re probably one of the people who judge first and then ask.
Personal attacks are just a certificate of poverty on your part.
And my plan worked perfectly. You felt provoked by the introductory phrase and came to my answer and what it looks like, you also noticed what I gave you so far.
If you can still overcome your unjustly grieved pride, you are on the best way to write your story so that you like it.
That’s the problem. I never write anything into a question for the simple reason that I am something paranoid.
And of course, you just wanted to point out something. But instead of saying, “If the confession is the beginning of love history, let it go.” You write, “Leave it”
It’s not about what you say, but how you say it.
By the way, there is the function “request” only for information.
No, they’re not. You’re obviously just letting you take a premature first impression, so you’ll be personal.
As I said, a certificate of poverty.
And that the figures can read thoughts, you did not mention in the question. However, I wonder why such a confession should be necessary. After all, the thoughts would be more meaningful than any gesture.
Unless you can read thoughts…
Your first words “let it” are, unfortunately, quite significant.
Press and kiss body. The confession of love is finished, and even on both sides.
Just write what you think.