Wie schreibt man das Ende einer Story?

Sollte erst das Ende geschrieben werden, dann die der Anfang, oder erst der Anfang dann das Ende?

Viele Autoren schreiben oft das Ende einer Geschichte um zu wissen auf was die Geschichte hinausläuft um Foreshadowings zu geben.

Wie schreibt man ein gutes Ende? Wie schreibt man ein Ende, dass das Spiegelbild des Anfangs ist? Wie dass die Frage vom Anfang am Ende beantwortet wird.

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1 year ago

Uh, if I tell a story, I know the message before I press a button?

I haven’t finished writing first, even though I always knew where I want and where the characters have to move. In doing so, I also let them walk freely – and in the end they can talk at the end.

1 year ago

It is recommended if you already know the end before you start writing so that your story can walk the way.
The end can reflect the beginning by initiating a thought or an image that is considered at the end again, only it has got a different meaning through the development of the figure.

1 year ago

You should think about what the end should look like, but you really should write it in the end.

In the end, something has changed for character, so you can send your character back where he started and show what has changed.

1 year ago

As you do, it’s up to you. The much more important part is the drafting phase. Write your story completely from start to finish. Then start a new document and write the story again, better. Most novels have several reworking phases. In the course, all the great details are added.

Ask yourself what the story is supposed to say or what the topic is. Or old-fashioned, what is the morality of the history?

1 year ago

Many authors often write the end of a story

Many, however, only because there are many authors. Most work out a specific plot beforehand and then write (to some extent) stringently from the front to the back. On the one hand, this makes things simpler, and on the other hand the history can develop more logically.

How to write a good end?

By knowing what to do in the end.

1 year ago

It’s up to you. However, if you want to have the end of your story, you could either write a concept or make a storyboard for your book. There you would roughly write down on cettles what happens and then arrange this chronologically. I would take my word for true coin but not as I have not published a book so far. That’s what I’d do with many creative works.

1 year ago

There is no fixed rule.

Write how the beak has grown to you.

1 year ago

Definitely, “Come on”.

Writing is also art, and there is not necessarily the way that works with everyone. The question is the whole thing? Or are you a discovering writer? You know the end? What kind of pleasure is the story? And so on…

1 year ago

“And if they didn’t die, they still influence today.”

1 year ago
Reply to  JMC01

😀 As long as there is no vaccination against it. 😀