Wie schnell wird man betrunken?
Ich habe erst eher wenige Erfahrungen mit Alkohol gemacht. Da ich zu einem 30. Geburtstag (die meisten meiner Freunde sind so viel älter als ich) von einem freund eingeladen bin würde ich gerne wissen wie viel (ca. 40%) ich trinken könnte ohne total besoffen zu sein. Ich bin weiblich, wiege 54kg und bin unter 21 Jahre alt falls das wichtig ist. Ich möchte mich nicht blamieren oder sie fragen, da ich eh schon oft von ihnen belächelt werde.
Bitte nur ernst gemeinte Antworten
Since you are under 21, any alcohol will harm you, because the liver can only reduce it in a very small amount until the body has matured at 21 years. Non-degradable alcohol is the cause of more than 200 different diseases, which show up many years after their emergence.
So first let nothing force you!! (I am a woman myself) you decide whether you want to drink something or not and if you think they are disappointed or otherwise if you are not drinking with DANN THINK NO FIRE GIRL. So I am about as hard and as old as you. I am 17 and 1.55 tall and as well as I have been about 58 kg.
ok thanks <3
very happy and look after you!!
Two short and drowned still two and you are drunk.
I would not recommend going to you because there are many evil people who could try to use this
Okay, thanks. I’m sure I’m there because it’s just good friends from him.
You can’t look people behind the forehead, and if they’re gonna start like that, there’s only schnapps…
If you’re worth your sexual self-determination, you shouldn’t go.
Yes, thank you, I’m going to think about it again, but we’re going to a hut in the mountains for 2 days and that’s all happening there. We would then also think I’m only 35-40 people and maybe they just don’t want to take so much alcohol and therefore rather high-percentage
Seriously, there is no drinking obligation on celebrations.
And if, drink slowly and small amounts, don’t mix different drinks and watch that you have eaten properly before you drink something.
Or just drink alcohol-free. Can be so funny.
I just don’t want to spoil the fun
You don’t have to. Just show self-confidence. Have fun!
You will certainly not drink pure liquor with 40% alk. You’ll probably mix something like rum or vodka with mixed drinks (e.g. Cola, Bitter Lemon…).
And if you only weigh 54 kg and have little experience with alcohol. I would be very cautious with hard alcohol because you drink and drink, but nothing notices and then you can cheek everything at once.
In your place, I would only drink as much as beer and wine (sect, fertilizer) because you can better guess how “full” you really are.
PS: if you mix the drinks yourself, just don’t make much of the liquor pure and a little more mixed drink, and wait a bit between every drink and realize how drunk you are already. In addition, a good basis is very important, so it is good before.
Beer etc will not exist. I was warned nicely, but I will try to be careful. Thank you
Beer would be good because you won’t drink so fast.
This sounds like an answer from an experienced drunk 😉
Not much