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3 years ago

Generally depends on the treatment of the battery.

If he’s standing outside with the bike in winter or always driving on full pull, he’s naturally broken faster. You said you loaded the 20 times about? Something can’t be right. What’s that battery? What is the engine manufacturer?

Generally, people come between 5 and 10 years (oldest 15 years) and want a new one.

3 years ago

From my experience I can say that after 5 years my Bosch battery has broken.

The Bosch manufacturer promises 500 charging cycles.

Such a battery pack consists of dozens of round cells which are soldered together. If such a round cell fails, the overall system is reduced. One could naturally make a cell exchange, is also offered, but in my eyes it makes little sense, especially since it is officially not intended.

3 years ago

This depends heavily on the battery’s factory, maybe something is in the manual or you can derive it from the warranty.

3 years ago

Depending on how old the battery is, you can get 10’000 km approx. then you need a new battery, you don’t always have to shut down full-gas driving😏more down and up, more activate the circuit and drive more with (tour) 😎

3 years ago

in the cold season you don’t get that far. With the Bosch battery I now have approx. 7500 km

Battery capacity is still. The dealer also reads the battery cycles (4 x 25% charge = 1 x load complete)

Then there is a tort chart for using Eco to Turbo (Bosch Performance CX)

You can calibrate the battery again if you move it completely empty

Dr. Mähliß was in an interview with the Mybike magazine. Battery extension as follows: knowledge/man-can-die-life-one-accus-double

3 years ago

no ahnung,hab my e-bike since 2015 and note nix of it. usually after 80km even if there is anything in it

3 years ago

I have a 500W Bosch battery. The bike (and the battery) is 5 years old in May and the range has shortened so minimally that it is not worth mentioning!

By the way, I used the battery in two bicycles!

3 years ago

After two years.