Wie schnell nehmt ihr Schmerzmittel ein?
Ich beziehe mich auf Schmerzen, die an sich von der Intensität her noch auszuhalten wären, aber schon sehr unangenehm sind. Kopfschmerzen, Regelschmerzen, Rückenschmerzen etc. Keine Schmerzen nach einer OP oder bei schwerwiegenden Erkrankungen.
I’m just trying without a painkiller and possibly with other means, but don’t wait too long!
I’m trying to fight what’s the cause of pain.
Are usually due to too little water, so I drink a lot.
Rule of thumb: If you remove “1 pinch of skin” from the back of the back, this skin fold must immediately become flat again. The longer it stands, the more water shortage.
Fill water simultaneously with salt!
In contrast, it helps to crack or suck a little yeast, says my daughter. half to whole cubes at once.
often arise due to incorrect attitude (no longer than 1 hour in the same position!) or internally due to insufficient vitamin D.
Frequently miraculously disappear through greatly increased vitamin D (50.000 IE tgl) with much magnesium and vitamin K2.
Rheumatoid pain speaks very well on omega-3 fatty acids, for example in liver tran. No omega-6 fatty acids take! If anything goes, avoid them! And also arachidonic acid (red meat and peanuts).
ASS and VItamin C liquefy the blood and thus weaken the pain substance P more quickly.
By the way, this pain substance P resembles the monosodium glutamate – that should be avoided in any case (also hides behind “wort” or “hot extract”).
Painkillers aren’t candy, but I don’t like to torture myself unnecessarily.
For headaches and menstrual pain, the experience and situation is related. There are both things I do before I get into pain pills. But if I have an important appointment, I’ll swallow something faster than if I’m going to go home or make the easier things in the home office.
Exactly so that others do not have to suffer from my pain 😉
Yes, that too ^
A myrine with pain is definitely more irritable or grumpy. You don’t have to do that to the world.
But even rarely, there must be pain from intensity above 8 so that I can take it back. I say that, for example, from previous experiences, a fresh operation wound on arms or legs is not a reason to attack painkillers.
Pain relieves stress in the body and this stress can be exactly as harmful to the body in the long term than taking an ibuprofen 400 against headaches. So it doesn’t take much, whether you’re going through or not.
I rarely take an analgesic. A tablet of Paracetamol is about 3 times a year with very strong headaches.
As headaches usually hardly disappear from me, after a certain time I simply take a headache tablet. Since this is relatively rare with me, I don’t make a knock.
Hello, did you try water drink?
Water drowning is not the problem with me, it is more likely to come to rest – lay down and sleep, Dösten would be an option.
By what? By sweeteners in the preparation? By citrate, which increases in intestinal peristaltics? Through MgO and citric acid, what makes CItrat develop?
I even got liquid diarrhea. 😉
Accept that not all humans help the same and that not all have the same body.
I’m just guessing that you took too little dose. The long intake doesn’t bring anything. If it is properly dosed, it helps within hours.
Magnesium per 10 kg weight at least 100 mg. In case of stress, sometimes much more, when taking Vit D, Vit B or a lot of protein again.
Vitamin D level should be increased to the upper edge of the reference frame. Or just stay below the toxic range (150 ng/ml or 375 nmol/L). Then nothing can happen.
Good, I didn’t see it. I took both longer and had no miracle healing. 😉
So don’t generalize and better get a realistic picture of it. You have to name pros and cons.
If it was on the Mg deficiency, then the pain is spelled away.
That’s what I’ve experienced. After a few hours everything is over.
But it helps in pain caused by magnesium deficiency.
Leiers have many people unrecognized Mg deficiency because the doctors usually measure this in the blood, and there the level always remains the same because in the case of imminent deficiency is always immediately shoved out of tissue etc.
You can at least try to take Magneisim if you can’t relax anymore.
Enemen Dreck
Magnesium enchants the pain away
Hex hex
Hex – Hex 😆
Magnesium is not a miracle agent. It can help especially against pain in the muscles, such as regular pain, back pain, etc. But also only moderately and only with regular intake. It does not conjure all possible pain.
But magnesium deficiency can have a much worse effect. I’d keep watching this.
All that comes through “stress” and asks for rest indicates lack of magnificence.
You don’t always have to take measures when MAL is what. I’d rather do that with daily headaches.
A magnesium deficiency could then be present. You could take some or eat more (raw) almonds. Also green weeds usually contain a lot of magnesium.
That’s very rare, though. Maybe 2-3 times a year or so I’ll take an Ibu 400.
Unfortunately, don’t hit me so I have to sit out the pain
Ever tried more magnesium? This is very often painful. Take more than on the pack.
Where do you get this?????
Thanks for the tip
In any drugstore or pharmacy. Or online.But respect, they often have unnecessary adjuvants that cause more bad.
Research with each “substance plus effect” or “benefit effect” or “criticism”, which causes this.
Sometimes it helps to eat a few leaves of lion tooth or some raw almonds.
Yeah, you can do that by yourself. Then you should take it every day. Don’t take more than 300mg.
Okay, but an attempt would be worth it anyway, thank you
In the pharmacy. But don’t expect too much of it, not at all, because a single dose does nothing. And don’t take too much, either, because it causes severe diarrhea.
Toothache, it’s more real killer.
I have no other bad pain.
I’m always waiting.