How quickly can you get pregnant after stopping the pill?

Hello, to briefly describe my situation. I stopped taking the pill at the beginning of this month. I took it for two years, but for the last six months or more I've only taken it irregularly because I noticed that I can't tolerate it anymore. My real question is, can I get pregnant now? I've had my period again, and theoretically I should have ovulated then, and I've had a lot of unprotected sex. I should have ovulated between the 22nd and the 28th. Do you think I can test on June 12th? That's 14 days later, or can I do it with an early test before my period?

thanks in advance

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1 year ago

The settling of the pill can first make the body quite beautiful and often after the bleeding of the abortion the first own control bleeding is delayed by one week.

Approximately after a month, the normal hormone balance has taken over the rudder again and after at the latest six weeks, the hormones of the pill are degraded, and nothing can be detected in the blood.

In most women, the natural cycle is then reciprocating quite quickly. However, it does not necessarily have to be regular and the period does not come like the artificially produced bleeding after the clock.

If your cycle was not regular before taking pills, it is probably not now.

With 3.2% of women, a post-pill amenorrhea appears as a side effect of the hormonal contraceptive, which in rare cases can unfortunately last up to a year.

Nonetheless, the pill does not have a “after-running time” and you can get pregnant right after putting it down. But it makes sense to wait a cycle so that the cervical mucosa (which consists only of a very thin layer when taking the pill) can regenerate. The calculation of the pregnancy age is also easier.

If your period bleeding can be maintained, a commercially available pregnancy test from the pharmacy, drugstore market, well-stocked supermarket or shipping trade will provide a relatively reliable result (over 99%) from about 19 days after the last unprotected intercourse.

Happy for you!

1 year ago

Sure you can get pregnant. From 19 days after sex, you can make a pregnancy test. Your cycle is not necessarily regular after decommissioning, so you should be guided by the last unprotected sex and not at the estimated time of ovulation – it does not have to take place at all in this period.

1 year ago

You can get pregnant, you have taken them irregularly and now you have dropped them off. Even if you take the pill regularly but accidentally forget it can also get pregnant…And your period shows you can definitely get pregnant.

Testing with an early test 14 days after the GV