Wie schnell MUSS ich bei erlaubten 70 kmh fahren?

Hallo Liebe Nutzer,

ich habe soeben eine Diskussion gehabt, welche mich nicht in Ruhe lässt. Es ging grob gesagt darum, dass jemand behauptet hat, man würde den Verkehr behindern, wenn man bei erlaubten 70 kmh lediglich 60 kmh fährt.

Das macht für mich allerdings keinen Sinn und ich hätte gerne eine Antwort darauf.

Wir gehen von einer Landstraße mit normalen Bedingungen aus. Also weder Nässe, noch Glätte, keine Dunkelheit oder eine schlechte Straße.

Die StVO sagt ja, dass man den Verkehr nicht ohne Grund behindern darf, durch zu langsames fahren (nicht wörtlich), jedoch zählt bei 70 kmh 60 fahren für mich nicht zu einer Behinderung, da mich andere ja Problemlos überholen können.

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2 years ago


The signals for a minimum speed are different:

It is therefore a fundamental obstacle to transport. There are countless reasons for driving at lower speeds:

Tram: snow, flooding, dirt, road covering, visibility, speed reduced vehicle, vehicle in emergency operation (faillight burning) on the way to the workshop, cargo (living animals), center of gravity (dachlast) or simply narrow curves and bad possibility to cross with trucks or buses.

I can show you in my surroundings some roads, which are on 80 km/h and on which no one, even no racers, drives faster than 60 km/h.

The chosen speed falls under the responsibility of the handlebar.


2 years ago

Overtaking at 10 km/h is relatively difficult on a road. In most cases, the speed limit is then exceeded. Depending on the route (is in front of me a village, curve etc.) I sometimes do not drive the maximum possible speed, but only if nobody is behind me. It’s just that you’re impairing traffic flow when you drive at 70 only 60.

2 years ago
  1. But it hinders traffic if you are not able to drive at least what is on the sign.
  2. Your examples such as wetness and darkness are no reason to drive unnecessarily slowly.
  3. The problem with overtaking is precisely the problem, because it leads the subsequent traffic to it.If the predetermined speed is driven, no one is tempted to risky overtaking maneuvers.
2 years ago
Reply to  PeepLuv

If you are not able at least: to drive what’s on the sign.

1) Interesting interpretation

2) Aha

3) Chaoten overtake also then

2 years ago
Reply to  Tacheles88


2 years ago

If a snake forms behind you and everything is free from you, you impede. This is not dependent on a specific speed within the permitted maximum speed.

2 years ago

Whether you’re impeding someone or not, you can’t judge but just the other.

Overtaking can’t always be done.

We have learned in the driving school: not driving more slowly than the ad.

It’s not a maximum permit, it’s more or less a set of how fast you should drive.

2 years ago

Hello Itslila1

Only on the highway is a minimum speed of 60 Km/h, on all other roads you cannot drive so slowly that you impede the traffic flow. There are no Km/h data.


Greetings HobbyTfz

2 years ago
Reply to  HobbyTfz

Only on the motorway is a minimum speed of 60 km/h

This means that truck drivers make themselves punishable when they lift up a slope of 40 km/h, because the engine is simply at the limit…

No, of course not.

Because there is no minimum speed.

There is only the rule that you can only use vehicles on the highway, the maximum design speed of which is at least 60 km/h. So… in principle at least 60 km/h can be. However, this does not result in a duty to drive even more quickly than 60 km/h.

2 years ago

why you should drive slower in normal conditions than allowed, I would have pushed until you go up to 70 💀

that is as if you were wondering if you were obstructing on the left track on the autobahn only 100 driving and wondering why the impediment is fr

2 years ago
Reply to  pissgoat

So true