Wie schnell könnte ich Turniere reiten?
Hey also das ist vielleicht eine komische Frage und vielleicht könnt ihr sie mir auch nicht beantworten aber ich wollte es mal probieren.
also ich habe einmal die Woche Einzelunzerricht was mich auch wirklich viel mehr weiterbringt und das merke ich auch. Ich habe aber momentan noch bisschen Probleme mit der Anlehnung und der zügelverbindung. Ich reite immer dasselbe Pferd was meine rb ist. Ich bin übrigens 15. Jetzt meine Frage: Könnte ich in einem Jahr schon mein erstes Turnier nennen? So eine E Dressur? Komische Frage, ich weiß…
You can theoretically ride a dressu rider competition as soon as you can ride all the gears (that’s enough you can’t control the speed and direction in the saddle). A good extension is not necessary because the seat of the rider is primarily evaluated there. So I think it’s realistic that you could ride a dressage rider competition next year.
If you ask the best coach & owner what they think of it, then you can already keep it in mind as a target.
As a small overview:
You can only ride competitions to WBO without badges and Lizensen:
E dressages (tests) are written to LPO, then you would have to apply for the free pacifier and the horse must be registered as a tournament horse. Here, however, it is also evaluated more strictly.
You can’t say that. Maybe…. depending on the talent, frequency and quality of the lessons, and how good the horse is.
A rider’s WB should probably be inside, possibly even more.
Most likely this can be your RL – we don’t see you riding.
Once you need the entrance exams, you should talk to your riding teacher or club. And of course, with the owners of your RB – if you want to make such excursions with the horse. This must be true to them for the first time or the horse also needs to leave all vaccinations and tournaments. “I’ll go there and ride” – isn’t that easy!
We don’t see you riding, let alone the quality of the lessons.
If you can answer this, you’re your riding teacher.