How quickly can you learn Russian?
I'm really interested in learning this language. I already speak two foreign languages and would like to expand on that. What's the best way to start?
I'm happy about tips
I'm really interested in learning this language. I already speak two foreign languages and would like to expand on that. What's the best way to start?
I'm happy about tips
Mich würde die Kultur der Kurden extrem interessieren und über Antworten würde ich mich freuen. Danke
Ich schaue gerade die Satire “The Death of Stalin”, die das kommunistische Regime in der Sowjetunion auf die Schuppe nimmt. Wie findet Ihr den Film?
Wow! Ich bin beeindruckt!!! Das möchte ich auch können. Eigentlich habe ich drei Fragen. Die erste: wie haben sie das gelernt? Denn wenn man das hört, klingt es irgendwie wie eine Superkraft. Meine zweite: kann ich das auch lernen oder werden die Personen so geboren und müssen ihre Fähigkeit erst entdecken? Meine dritte: Stört es…
Hallo, ich wollte nur kurz fragen ob diese Sätze richtig sind oder nicht. Ich dachte immer man sollte „Ils sont finir“ oder Ce n‘est pas finir“ schreiben. Eine Erklärung wäre sejr hilfreich. danke
Fällt euch Chinesisch schwer oder eher sehr leicht?
I can fluently and dialect-free English and Hungarian.
I can do Russian.
It’s quite simple.
I invested for Russian up to now 4 months.
I can write and read Russian.
Talking is still a bit difficult, because Russians aren’t happy to hear today.
Oh, and I’ve always thought you’re Russian in your Pro Putin comments. Excuse me.
The Russian doesn’t like being heard nowadays is understandable. Learn Ukrainian!
Funny ugnarier the pro Putin have not met so far.
I never spoke out for Putin and his deeds.
I just realized that the Russian bashing has to stop.
And that Germany cannot deliver weapons forever.
No, I’m not sure.
I’m not going to prescribe what language I have to talk and learn!
I guess I’ll stay that way. Because I’m not from Hungary.
Besides, I would recommend you to learn German.
Your submissions are laughable and embarrassing, because you can’t even get German.
cool! That you can be Hungarian is certainly helpful in any way or ALSO IM rUSSISCH LERNEN?
I wanted to see if you could be Russian or not.
If your parents have a migratory background, you’re a foreigner who is Hungarian you don’t just learn so that it’s an unnecessary and rare language, especially if you speak it perfectly and without accent, it’s probably your mother tongue. So foreigners.
Did I say I can talk?
No, there’s a problem with that.
Reading and writing in Russian was relatively easy for me to learn. 🤷
Jaja, always the “spoken foreigners and migrants”!
I’m not even a foreigner. 🤡
Why do you even send me a friendship request if you are sooo very opposed to my opinion and facts?
Funny a foreigner who criticizes my German knowledge🤣.
I don’t care if you come from Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia or elsewhere. Foreigners are foreigners and do not belong to Germany! I’m typing Serbia as Serbs are extremely unsympathetic (my ex was one)!
And thanks for the tip I will register in a German course.
And speak Russian in 4 months? Can’t be!
How long has it taken to learn the other languages?
I think if you have a lot of interest and hard learning it won’t take too long:)
Good luck and fun 🤞
Hello I used for 5 years for some Spanish, but Russian is harder for worlds.
Thanks languages make really fun
A advice or advice from someone who also learned it to a high level would be cool.