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Not at all. From the job center you get the most inappropriate jobs that you are inappropriate, worst conditions, etc.
You have to look for a job yourself.
At least in the summer, you can do it yourself if not severely restricted health, on a day up to a maximum of a week. It’s harder in winter.
I know only one case of a mediation, and the arms really had nothing to laugh at in the plant, yes, you can talk about “dissen”. It was the last! in the hierarchy. He was constantly threatened to instill her at the job center if she didn’t track. All other employees had more rights than those, were more kind, more respectful…. The person concerned was really the footwear for most others. But at least she was paid.
Other companies at my last place worked mainly with free interns from the job center, but is great: free forces to test work. The internship was then extended and then the employees were replaced: new interns. Everything for listen! The instruction went quite fast, a maximum of 1 day, for slow learning maybe 2-3 days, then free work as an internship and then the drop after maximum internship period.
With me as an employer, never got people through the job center, but about contacts. With me the main problem: I couldn’t offer full-time jobs, so all good forces ran away again. I have offered part-time insurance jobs, if desired, but ONLY part-time and flexible, or slightly, depending on what was desired. And at the end I no longer got any help (I don’t blame them)-: That was the beginning of the “off” of my business. It wasn’t possible for me in my health restrictions. I collapsed several times and I eventually pulled the tear line – unfortunately actually too late. And I have never regretted this decision (it was the coronary season, only losses, despite coronary aids!)
You can’t say that at all, but if you want, it can go very quickly! However, you must not rely on the job centre alone, but must also show your own initiative.
It should be up to you and your commitment to find a good job, not how fast the job center can find you a job. If you really want to work, you’ll find a job within a week.
With a little luck very fast.
If you can do anything, it’ll be quick
Between a week and a few months everything is possible here
Ultimately, this always depends on your efforts, jobs you can look for yourself, the job center does not need anyone (unless because of the coal).
very fast. 1 week and less
You don’t need the JobCenter.
4 hours…
Not through the job center. You need to search and apply on your own.
That’s bullshit.
In the best case right away.