Wie schnell kann eine Decke/Boden einbrechen?


ich habe gelesen, dass ein Boden bzw. eine Decke ein Gewicht von 200 KG pro m² tragen muss.

Jetzt zu meiner Frage:

Wenn mein Mann 140kg wiegt und ich 70kg und wir beide auf einem m² Sex haben, wie hoch ist dann die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass wir irgendwann durchbrechen?

Ps: Die Frage ist ernst gemeint!

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1 month ago


that counts as “Traffic load.

It’s additionally beaten in the planning.

It is intercepted dynamically.

For this purpose, more than 100% safety is provided for the static basic load.



1 month ago

Will not happen because there are people who store the mountains of stuff in any room. For example, paper or heavy furniture that weighs tons at the end.

LG Animelove007

1 month ago

If the room has only 1 m2, this will be close by weight.

The weight indication refers to a uniformly distributed load on the entire surface.

At 4 x 5 m you can bring 4 tons into the room. Or 2 tons in the middle…

1 month ago
Reply to  AnnaKron

A bed has legs and spreads the load on a larger surface.

1 month ago

I’d think that’s a bit more than that, in bridges, for example, there’s the fear steel or the fear of concrete.

1 month ago

Uh… I am not a great math genius or what this is :,) So I can’t help ABER (!) I should ask what you need :