Wie schnell ist körperliche Abhängigkeit von Nikotin nach Entzug wieder vorhanden wenn man wieder anfängt?
weiß wohl jemand wie schnell die körperliche Abhängigkeit wieder vorhanden ist, wenn man mehrere Jahre (ca. 4) stark abhängig von Nikotin war, dann aufgehört hat und dann schließlich wieder anfängt?
Bzw bezogen auf mich, ist die körperliche Abhängigkeit wohl nach einer Woche Rauchen schon wieder vorhanden oder dauert sowas länger? Rauchfrei war ich etwa 3-4 Wochen. Mir gehts wie gesagt auch NUR um die körperliche Abhängigkeit. Das die psychische nahezu sofort wieder da ist ist klar.
In principle, this is not a nicotine addiction. There is no such thing. It’s a tobacco dependency. To the why later…
Already the smoke of a single cigarette can produce first symptoms of withdrawal symptoms. The emphasis can be on. People are individual. Each person reacts differently accordingly. Smoking can lead to high tobacco dependence. This is expressed both physically and mentally.
As a result, a renewed dependency, after an already declining one, takes place relatively quickly. One day to a few days should be enough and it is like a withdrawal. As you write yourself, your dependency was also present at the latest after a week, but probably earlier.
Now to tobacco dependency. Nicotine usually doesn’t lead to any dependencies except for smoking.
Whether nicotine sprays, nicotine plasters, nicotine gums, e-cigarettes, tomatoes, potatoes or eggplants, there are all products with nicotine, with the e-cigarette only optional. The consumption of these products does not lead to dependencies.
The fact that tobacco consumption leads to dependencies is that the tobacco industry is artificially changing the characteristics of nicotine. This is done by several hundred additives which are mixed in each tobacco, each cigarette. If it is not contained in the tobacco, then in or on the paper. Various of these additives are addictive amplifiers. These affect the properties of nicotine. In addition, interactions between one another occur.
Good to you… and stay healthy.
Greeting, RayAnderson 😉
It’s usually back right away.
Immediately when you start again.
But the physical dependency does not arise as a result of the more (belief) dopamine receptors or nicotine receptors or thus by smoking, and as a result of the subsequent release of the cigarettes these are disposed of and then form back within one to two weeks (i.e. during withdrawal).
these receptors could hardly rebuild within a cigarette