Wie schnell fliegen Raumschiffe in Startrek?
wie schnell fliegen die raumschiffe in startrek haben sie probleme mit zeitdilation
wie schnell fliegen die raumschiffe in startrek haben sie probleme mit zeitdilation
Vorgabe: maximale Größe von 56 x 45 x 25 cm. Mein Trolley hat 59 x 36 x 22, also bei der Länge drüber. Nun habe ich aber gelesen, dass die Mitarbeiter bei Easyjet nicht unbedingt pingelig sind. Hat jemand Erfahrung? Geht mein Koffer als Handgepäck durch?
Hey ich bin am überlegen den Flug über Booking zu buchen was meint ihr? Danke für die Tipps hat schon wer Erfahrung gemacht?
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Es gibt die Skala aus der TOS Serie
Und aus der TNG Serie
TOS warpfakter hoch 3 ist vielfaches von c
3 27c
4 64c
5 125c
In der TOS Skala gibt es kein Maximum
TNG Warpfaktor hoch 3,3periodisch ist vielfaches der lichtgechwindigkeit
Ab 9,9 wird die berechnung etwas anders
bei 9,99999 wird hoch 6,3 gerechnet
9,999999 hoch 7,5
Seht ihr das mathematische Muster 3,5 3,9 4,5 5,3 6,3 7,5
Es wird sich jedoch nicht immer an diese Skala gehalten z.B. in Voyager die 37ger wird gesagt das Warp 9,9 4mrd Meilen pro sekunde ist (6,4mrd km pro sek) das würde jedoch 21473 facher Lichtgeschwindigkeit statt 3053
Hello blobyguy,
that depends on the respective spaceship. The maximum you have reached was Warp 10 (Voyager Shuttle) and Warp 13 the Enterprise in an alternative future, there she had 3 warpgondels.
However, there are still travels such as subspace tunnels, transwarp, slipstream and some others that are sometimes even faster. Example the technology of the caretaker, which Voyager has placed around 70,000 light years within not even a minute.
When they fly with impulse drive they also believe the time dilatation effect.
MfG PlueschTiger
At star time 4658,9 the USS Enterprise of Kelvaners. The spaceship is modified so that it Warp 11 can reach. This is the flight route to the Andromeda galaxie (about 2.5 million light years) in less than 300 years.
Warp 11 is not possible (after the current Lore) as Warp 10 is already inaccessible (EGENTLICH, why this VOY episode should only be turned :S)
It’s hard to say. Warp 1 corresponds to speed of light, but Warp 10 is (actually) not accessible, or infinite speed. The fastest thing the Federation can fly was I think Warp 9,997
Not at all, warp speed means that the spaceship does not move well but the space around this. The space is “warmed” to place the starting point on the end point.
Warp 10 is max. more doesn’t go, after that will be infinite speed. Warp 9 corresponds to 70,000 fan speed.
they do not have timedilation because they use star time.
Warp 10 was there at least once! Let’s even give 36. Is the factor classification of the ships. So 1 warp is supposed to be one-way speed. Warning warp speed is equal to speed of light or warp factor. Warp 2 is 8 times the speed of light See here:
http://de.memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Warp Speed
They’re driving because they’re not planes.
When you look at the screen in the control center, the stars pass by screen in about 2 seconds. So what the light needs for several days happens in 2 seconds. This is about 100000 times the speed of light.
Look here;)
have you seen in yourself?
0 km/h. 0 warp.
It is quite certain that they are located in a studio.
They fly with warp, and time shifts are automatically compensated by the dilithium crystals.
Um, don’t say that. The warp drive creates a warpblow around the ship. The warpbladder moves with over-light certitude While the ship itself does not move within the bladder. Therefore, there is no time shift either.
The dilithium criterion is in the interior of the main reactor, which is called “warp core” in the language of the bypass. The crystal is only responsible for controlling matter/antimatter reaction. The special property of the dilithium critique is that it is the only known material that does not react with antimatter.
Absolutely wrong, the ship itself does not move at speed of light, only the warp bubble produced by the warp field coils. The dilithium crystal is only the point where matter/antimatter meet to generate the energy for the warp field coils.