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The milk of whales and dolphins is very fat. Dolphin milk has a fat content of 46%. Crude milk of the cow about 5%.
She wouldn’t taste like that. Too fat for people.
after milk and fish at the same time?????
Have you tried?
as well as
Wrong, dolphins are mammals, no fish.
But through the marine habitat, they also absorb all the substances, i.e. from fish/algae and so. Therefore, it can be good that their milk also tastes after fish
These are not “views” but logic
You rather taste fishy with your views drawn to the hair.
Beef does not taste for grass, but fish tastes for fish & A. because of the omega 3 fatty acids, of which sea animals have a lot more in fatty tissue than animals. Milk is also just an emulsion of fat and water. Milk from marine mammals should therefore have an increased mega 3 content accordingly. Therefore dolphin milk probably also tastes fishy
Because it’s not him. Go to an aquarium and let you give milk and then know it. Cows eat grass all day and their milk doesn’t taste like grass. Mammal milk never tastes like the environment where they live.
That’s bullshit.