Wie schmecken Pinguine?
Ich habe mich gefragt, wie Pinguine schmecken und wo man die kaufen kann, hat da jemand Erfahrung?
Ich habe mich gefragt, wie Pinguine schmecken und wo man die kaufen kann, hat da jemand Erfahrung?
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Hi Habe auf Tik Tok ein Video von Andrew Tate gesehen in dem er ein Rezept namens ,,Flavor” vorgestellt hat. In dem Video wird beschrieben was alles für Zutaten gebraucht werden, aber nicht wie es zubereitet wird. Ich möchte probieren dieses Gericht zubereiten kenne mich allerdings nicht so gut mit dem Kochen aus. Deshalb frage…
As far as I know, the first explorers of the South Polar Sea – who have not only crossed it, because they wanted to sail around the world quickly, but who have driven with the intention to explore the region – have tried to eat penguins. They did not taste them (fortunately!) … so they did not land on the menus of various restaurants. And there are no recipes.
I would like to have been there:(
I once saw in a docue and heard that her meat is very sweet and very fat and rather tastes bad for our tongues. A fat padded penguin could be good.
You can’t buy them and their flesh.
Salty and sour. Don’t be happy. Of course you can’t buy a penguin roast here.
I guess you’ve got it, but it’s just superficial.
Your answer like penguins is correct, but not in terms of how penguins tastes, but that penguins can only perceive the flavors salty and sour. So it’s about her sense of taste. 😉
Disgusting don’t make those poor little guys have hard enough
I don’t know how these pretty birds taste. Due to the thick fat layer that the animals have, they should taste rather few.
Nowadays, the food of penguins is illegal because the animals are protected.
I think the question is a troll question.
Birds? Then why can’t Penguins fly?
Without words…