Wie schlimm ist es mit Leuten zu chillen, die rauchen?

Hallo, war heute das erste mal mit Leuten draußen die rauchen, aber auch recht viel. Circa alle 5 Minuten hat sich jemand eine Kippe angezündet. War das erste mal, und werde mit denen nix mehr zu tun haben, aber wie schädlich ist das jetzt für mich?

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1 year ago

You run the risk that your lungs will remain smoke-free if you avoid all smokers.

If you define it as “damable”…

1 year ago
Reply to  Opber34

I want to say that it is healthy to avoid smokers, and not harmful.

You called it harmful, not me. I burn my eyes from the smoke.

1 year ago

Passive smoking naturally has risks but at once you don’t have to worry about it.

You don’t have to avoid people either. Keep up with those when the NOT straight smoker breaks or don’t put the smoke on your face.

1 year ago

Passive smokers are primarily meant by people who have lived together with a smoker for 50 years and have inhaled the spoiled apartment air every day, not people who were in the wind by chance with an outdoor smoker.

Otherwise, you shouldn’t run past any more building site because asbestos is probably released.

1 year ago

It’s not harmful to you, but if you’re chilling with the ones from now on, they’ll always ask you if you want to smoke and at the end you’ll do it once

1 year ago

It depends more on what they have to say and less on what drugs they are getting away.