How bad is the movie Irreversible?
I would like to watch the French film "Irreversible" from 2002 because I am a huge fan of films and the story is very interesting. However, I keep hearing how hard it is and that there is a long and nasty rape scene. This is putting me off the film, although I would still really like to see it. Unfortunately, I don't know if the media is just making the whole thing out to be worse than it is (like in the Terrifier series, for example, which I didn't find that bad) or if it really is that unbearable. I would like to know if I can watch the film or if I should just leave it alone.
Here is some more information that might be helpful for the answer:
- I can tolerate quite a lot of brutality
- I watched the Terrifier series without any problems
- I watched Requiem for a Dream and Mysterious Skin, which I found really hard to watch
- Films that I absolutely cannot stand and will never watch are A Serbian Film and the Japanese Guinea Pig
- I'm 16 years old
Bad! The rape scene isn’t even the worst. The ride through the Hardcore Club (“Rectum” or similar) is eclectic. At the scene with the fire extinguisher I turned off. I don’t have to hurt myself.
To bite!
I think the film has one of the most memorable and worst rape scenes in film history. But it is worth pointing out how cruel such an act is. So it’s not voyeuristic as in many other movies. The film begins directly with the 1st of a total of 2 hard scenes.
I would put it on a similar degree of hardness as I spit on your grave
If you could see the terrifier films without any problems, Irreversibel is a Disney film compared.
I don’t think so. Terrifier is very graphic, but also entertainment without much brain. This is a fun party for Slasher fans.
Irreversible goes to the substance and places value on realisistic, unpleasant violence.