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We had this subject more often. You need professional medical assistance, even on the basis of your alcohol consumption. The consequences can be serious, fat liver cirrhosis – forms. Were your liver values (transaminases + gammagt ) controlled and an abdomen sono carried out? I wish you all the best!
I certainly don’t have to tell you that this is not healthy, but I don’t think it’s very dramatic.
Alcohol in large quantities.
Now I’m getting a little clear. Look at your questions over the last few weeks.
You urgently need professional help. Drug and alcohol abuse cannot be taken on the easy shoulder.
A strong overdosing can lead to overexamination of the central nervous system, cramps and delirium to the coma. Hypertension and cardiac arrhythmias may occur. Medical treatment is urgently necessary in such cases.
methylphenidat – Wikipedia
Why are you doing this, and how do you get the Ritalin?
Have an ADHD diagnosis, I should actually take 10mg daily, but I abuse it instead and take 300mg once a month
yes, and why are you…?!
you shall take the ricalin daily in small doses to improve your concentration
Why are you doing drug abuse?!
I see the 1st above all from the health perspective and fear not only acute symptoms (see my answer) a long-term organ damage of liver and kidney
and 2. your abuse against the health insurance contributors is not fair because they pay for your drug abuse!
So I just find shit from you!
Can’t you just give me that?
Euphoria and well-being.
what exactly does the overdose do with you?
Honestly, it’s very hard to let this happen because I just feel so good…
also you are burdening with the overdose of kidney and liver
you are prescribed the drug for the treatment of your disorder, but you do not take it because you obviously do not need it (maybe the diagnosis was wrong)!
Instead, you run health-prone drug abuse and use the health system!
for this we do not pay the KK contributions so that you will deliberately harm your health!
you are selfish and irresponsible!
I don’t fuck anyone, I’m an adult person who overdoses a drug on his own responsibility… In the end, I don’t hurt anyone.
So you’re scaring your doctor and the health system to run drug abuse…
I find extremely shit from you
possible health consequences are in my response
Because I come out in everyday life without it and instead abuses (only 1 times a month)
So in the end because I feel better.
Renew the question: What is the dosage?
And I don’t want to tell you a teacher that you destroy your body and your soul. But I like to repeat that it is bad for your circulation and your brain.
Besides, your risk of depression is increasing. In addition, Ritalin can act in a changing manner, especially in such a heavy consumption. It is for many ADHSlers who are set to 40mg AM TAG, a reason not to take it anymore.
10mg per tablet… I’ll take 300mg a day, but that’s only 1 times a month.
Die maximale Tagesdosis Methylphenidat beträgt bei der Behandlung von ADHS bei Kindern 60 mg und bei der Behandlung von ADHS bei Erwachsenen 80 mg.
Methylphenidat-ratiopharm Hartkapseln
Was passiert wenn man zu viel Methylphenidat nimmt?
Überdosierung. Eine leichte Überdosierung von Methylphenidat kann zu Schwindel, Herzklopfen oder erhöhter Vigilanz führen, in einigen Fällen auch zu einer übermäßigen Beruhigung. Eine versehentlich doppelt eingenommene Dosis kann zu Schwindel, Herzklopfen, erhöhtem Blutdruck und Schlafproblemen führen.
Methylphenidat –
Was passiert wenn man zu viel Medikinet zu sich nimmt?
Eine starke Überdosierung kann zu Übererregtheit des zentralen Nervensystems, Krämpfen und Delirium bis zum Koma führen. Es können Bluthochdruck und Herzrhythmusstörungen auftreten. Ärztliche Behandlung ist in solchen Fällen dringend notwendig.
Methylphenidat – Wikipedia
Symptome bei Überdosierung
Yes, the liver of a guy who only drinks in the delirium once a month also says “Hey, sponge over it! It’s just once a month!”
It still affects your body. Your circulation and, above all, your heart is burdened. The consequences in the brain are even more serious. Do you even know how Ritalin works? So what exactly does it do in your head with your receptors? Do you know the stuff you’re getting into without thinking about it?
“just once a month” 300mg on a time does not make it better
is also little promising if you look at the rest of the questions.
he obviously doesn’t like it and he doesn’t think he’s messing with his doctor or misusing the health system…
I know. The idea was more to help our superconsumers deal with the consequences of overstimulation.
Resumption inhibitor means that dopamine and norepinephrine act much longer and more intensively in the brain than normally provided, i.e. overstimulation
What Chrizzlow says.
You have to understand what the restarter is doing. What happens if dopamine and noadrenalin are not restarted? This is an important point.
with the message you have not made it absolutely clear that you have understood how the drug works. be reasonable with that. read about it
Yeah, I know it’s a Dopamin Noradrenaline Restarter.
What exactly do you know about the “engraving effects on the brain”?
Abuse is always bad, even if you are unlikely to die. It is, in principle, the greater evil than the correctly prescribed.
Irony by jmd who has prescribed this for 20 years and has met the abuse requirements a few times.
From nausea, vomiting and dizziness, to heartaches, chamber flimmers, coma and sudden heart death, everything is possible.
I’ve never had any side effects.
what exactly is the effect with you due to this massive overdose?
Unslim. Anyway, for you.
Do you want to die?
Honestly. Sounds like that.