How do you sleep?
What do you wear when you sleep?
Can someone give a tutorial please?👉🏻👈🏻
I grew up with brown eyes as a child. Everyone in my family has blue eyes, so how did the color come about?
Hola, I need some advice from people who are into skincare 🙂 I have fairly large blackheads on my nose, meaning heavy sebum buildup. So, I'd assume I have oily skin and would use products to combat it. But: My skin on my nose is so dry that it's peeling, so that's not really an…
To the girls, women: How would you change if you were at a small lake (shore) where there were lots of people and were sitting next to others? Would you change naked or with a towel.
What does 17€ per unit mean?
Hello everyone, I bought a polo shirt two weeks ago. I washed it exactly according to the instructions at 30 degrees inside out on a delicate cycle, but one button turned bluish (see photo). Is this normal, or should I return the polo? (It wasn't a cheap polo shirt) Greetings, Max
Aktuell , aber im Sommer 18 oder wenn’s ganz heiß ist auch mal 20.
Aber meistens frier ich eh
Leider kann ich nicht abstimmen, weil die Wahlmöglichkeit für Nachthemd oder ähnliches nicht gegeben ist…
What would be your choice?
Nur Nachthemd!
Number 4, T-shirt and classic slip.
If it is warm enough 18
if it is cold then 3 if still colder 1
Winter: 1
Transitional period: 7
Summer: 20
Now in winter No. 1 and 3, in summer No. 10 or nothing
In summer and winter, number 1 🤷 ♀️
LG ✨🦖🦖🦖
20 auch wenn besuch da ist oder wenn jemand neben mir schläft
Sometimes 5 or 18 but usually 20
18 winter and summer
Mostly 20 sometimes 18
3 or 18 in summer also sometimes 20
20 find it better
18 independent of season
Scheon has always been naked for many years, summer and winter.
12 so at present such a top and shorts to sleep
Here’s a picture
Weyo this will now be the people like abow, but not the same picture yes 😂
Haha naja
Joaa goes
Are you hello kitty fan or something?
Always number 20.
No 2
Best regards
A Tiger Overall by OnePiece
Number 18. Rich in winter as in summer
11 12 2 mostly
Right now with T-shirt and underpants.
No. 3
most 18
1 but all long
20, more comfortable
All year round NR 20
Mostly the 8
The No. 20
Female 14
17 or 20
19 or 20
Mostly 20
Mostly 20
20… all year
Always the 20
Always the 20
The 4
17 or 20 m/16
is comfortable
No. 2
Jogging suit.
4 or 19
point 1
A sweater
Mostly 20 and you?
20 / 20
3. M16