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2 years ago

The car is equipped with this everything in the user manual.

2 years ago

There are a few prerequisites for this.

Go past parking cars on the side, watch the info display. It should actually give you ads when it detects gaps that are suitable.

Stop, and press the right button for the Parkassistent, and then follow the instructions on the Infodisplay.

Under the following link you should come to the online user manual, directly to the Parkassistent (Parktronic)

2 years ago
Reply to  mely2018

The wizard will start immediately.

2 years ago

Does your vehicle have this equipment?

With my C-Class of 20178, this usually works as you pass a parking space, as usual while parking back at the exterior level next to the other vehicle, and sets the blinker. Then the parking assistant automatically recognizes that you want to park and asks if you want to take it, you just have to press the OK button on the steering wheel.

This probably works in the same way with your vehicle, provided it is equipped with the automatic parking assistant.