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4 months ago

It is estimated that there are around 3 million rats in NYC and about 0.3 million in Tokyo. This is a difference with factor 10.

By the way, Kuala Lumpur is extremely and should have almost twice as many rats as New York. But it is clear that such estimates are anything but accurate. But on the spot you see them all the time.

Returning to your question that the rat population in Tokyo is so much smaller, can actually be only two things; either the habitat is less suitable for the rats, or 10 times worse than in NYC. Or the rats are more active. Something that seems to me personally that in cities like New York or even Kuala Lumpur or Taipei, which have a real rat problem, there are always plenty of garbage out there for a long time. And that makes Tokyo better than now, for example, New York. But garbage bags & open garbage cans provide not only an optimal food basis for rats, but they also lead the rats to run more actively through the streets to search for food and are more visible to people than if they live, for example, only in the sewer and also search for their food there.

4 months ago

They are generally very clean and disciplined. Social Goods First, View/Real

There are no garbage tones. We’ve seen two to four. I’ve been there for a while and for a while. They always take their garbage to the office or home and take it away. Waste separation. The rainwater is collected underground in tanks and then used as required.

Efficient shopping. You only have very small apartments so little stuff. There are machines for everything. Little things at every corner. After lust in the morning before the job or the canteen (paid!). In the Shinjuku station you can almost stay/resident. There are > all < there

Go out almost at night. Food, drink, leisure. Not so much. Portions

Trash never gets so much and it is cleaned regularly. Because of the danger of earthquake, no junk is in front of the door

4 months ago

Actually, this only applies to the city centre and to lively districts.

What is still noticeable is that the rats are significantly larger there.

4 months ago

Yes safe 😂 in the supermarket there is almost only müll