Wie schaffen wir es dass weniger Asiatische Invasoren nach Deutschland kommen, sodass die heimische Rasse nicht ausstirbt?
Schon seit Jahren wird Deutschland diese Plage nicht los, dieses Jahr erreicht die Anzahl an asiatischen Killer Wespen einen neuen Zynit. Das Aussterben deutscher Honigbienen steht auf dem Spiel, wie können wir das verhindern?
Quelle: https://www.prosieben.at/serien/galileo/news/asiatische-hornisse-breitet-sich-aus-so-gefaehrlich-ist-sie-fuer-uns-wirklich-invasive-art-327119
1. These are Asian hornets not killer puppies.
Two. The subspecies occurring in Germany is not much more dangerous for bees and humans than the European hornets already in the home.
3. Hornets as well as bees pollinate flowers. If the unlikely event occurred that they would displace the honey bee would be nature. The immigrant species will displace domestic animals.
This is no longer possible, more and more invasive species will continue to occur with us.
They come to us in three ways:
We’re building a wall.
the chinese have a wall
Killer puppies have a nit? Is that a new weapon?
the problem with invasive species is that you hardly get rid of them anymore: you can see Ambrosia, you can see Asian ladybugs etc
How rich in third