Wie schaffen es Spanierinnen, so schlank zu sein?
Ich frage mich, wie es die Spanierinnen schaffen, alle so Schlank zu sein. In Spanien gibt es ja hauptsächlich Speisen, die recht kalorienhaltig und fettig sind wie morgens Cruasánes mit Konfitüre zum Frühstück, Käse, Süßspeisen etc. Wie machen die das also?
In each kitchen there are low calorie and high calorie eating. In Spain, the fruit is often more regional and tasty. We certainly eat more often than we eat fruit here.
Much vegetables, paella, pulpo ala galega, healthy olive oil, lots of fish, good jamon.. but the Spanish cuisine does not seem to me to be a particularly calorie.
There are also many overweights in Spain. However, Spaniards usually do sports. They’re all running into training. And a cruasán with jam is not a typical breakfast for Spanish. Mediterranean diet already.
There are also many people who don’t. it can be on genetics.
Have you ever been to Spain? More than in Dtl I find. They’re just mostly pretty because the silhouette is still nice.
There are also many well-nourished women in Spain
They’re not.
How do you know?