Wie schaffe ich es endlich weg von der Zigarette zu kommen?


Ich bin Raucherin und möchte endlich damit aufhören. Ich habe es schon mal geschafft ganze 4 Jahre damit aufzuhören von jetzt auf gleich und dann durch verschiedene Probleme die ich hier nicht ansprechen möchte wieder damit anfangen. Ja ich weiß das es blöd war wieder damit anzufangen und ungesund ist aber nun ist es so und ich will es nicht mehr. Habe seit meinem 14. Lj geraucht aber es fällt mir so unglaublich schwer damit wieder aufzuhören. Mein Mann raucht, ein sehr großer Teil meiner Freunde und Familie rauchen auch es ist einfach zur Gewohnheit geworden gemütlich aufm Balkon oder wo auch immer zu sitzen und zusammen eine zu rauchen…. Hat jemand evtl eine Idee, wie ich endlich damit aufhören kann? Nikotinpflaster und der ganze Mist bringen mir nichts. Ablenkung hilft auch nicht unbedingt weil ständig dieses dumme verlangen nach einer Zigarette wieder aufkommt gedanklich will ich es wirklich aber dieser blöde drang nach dem rauchen……😫. Hat jemand von euch vielleicht den entscheidenden Tipp für mich wie ich mich davon wieder weg bekomme?

Über Tipps würde ich mich freuen 😊


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1 year ago

I didn’t smoke long (5 years, 20-30 cigarettes a day) but I managed to get a squeegee in front of these things by taking rumors in a small bottle that I couldn’t suffer at all (to bsp lavender) and then whenever I felt the urge, I smelled. So after the time, instead of the pleasant cigarette, I always had lavender in my head, which is why I had no more bock on it.

However, I still have to tell you, 3 years that I am now smoke-free, that the urge for a cigarette still comes up here and there. I found the solution for myself, that I then put in here and there (fits every half years) and for me the urge is completely still.

First of all, I think it’s a headache to stop losing weight, you have to have the muzzle full of it to be thick or to put the cigarette in place.

Imagine goals, motivations (Challenges), why you want to give up smoking, so it’s easier for you.

Will not be easy and fallbacks are likely, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up.

Gradually stop also works, for example, you usually smoke 20 per day, then tomorrow it’s only 19, on which the day are 18 etc. (Tagesrationen), then days where you simply don’t smoke and the spectrum where you would be smoke-free then expand again and again.

Great success!!!!!


1 year ago

I may not be the right adviser, because I’ve always been a non-smoker. I smoked a single cigarette as a teenager. Why? Not because I wanted to, not because I believed cigarettes might be great. No: I’ve been digging the group pressure. Many in the class have smoked, it was cool, and I didn’t want to be out completely. I wasn’t bad after that, but it tasted gross, just like I expected. My “view” was saved, and I never touched a cigarette again.

Not quite. I played in a theatre play some time ago, where I had to smoke, or at least suggest. The holding of the cigarettes in the samples and the performance for maybe 10 minutes has made me really unwilling. You taste the nicotine, the biting taste, on the tongue, even though you only hold that thing in your hand. That really surprised me.

Why do I tell you? I would like to show you that smoking in itself has no positive aspects. It tastes gross, nicotine (or other substances in tobacco) causes reluctance, even without smoking itself. Nikjotin was also exactly “founded” by the plant: insects with great hunger to spoil eating. And it must be absolutely inconvenient.

Why do so many people smoke? Do they feel that differently? No, they don’t. The brain is just overlisted because it wants to have breastfeeded his addiction. The connection with pleasant things (conversations, community, listening) and the disappearance of the physical withdrawal symptoms cause the brain to positively evaluate smoking. That’s why you smoke. And you have to break through this evaluation of your brain.

You must realize that the calming after the first train is what the non-smoker always has. You have to realize that you really don’t need that stuff anymore. I know more people who used to smoke, and everyone just stopped: decision and end. No slow smoke, no nicotine patches. the will to stop, the last cigarette, and the end.

A smoking environment did not make it easier. But maybe you can motivate some of them by your example, just stop it? I wish you a lot of strength!

1 year ago

From nicotine, the body is pampered after a few days….

The great hurdle: The habit. Everything is linked to cigarettes, only if you smoke for a long time.

So one would have to bite “in the sour apple” and rather crumble around the whole everyday life. Find replacements.

Some people get served a trigger by which they find the beginning. In my ex, for example, the game of his son (this one was in a “so do as if” game after the smoking father and then said proudly “Look at Papa, I smoke – just like you”).

My father had a medical situation (just before a complete heart attack).

By the way, my father had a few years later and again the thought “Hmm, now a cigarette would be nice…. as usual in such a situation.”

Meaning the brain is reminiscent.