Wie schaffe ich es auszuziehen?
Hi! Ich bin 18 Jahre und mache eine 2 Jährige Ausbildung im Ecommerce. Ich will unbedingt ausziehen, weil ich mich zu Hause einfach nicht entfalten kann, zudem leide ich auch an Boderline. Ich lebe gerade in einer eher kleineren Stadt und möchte unbedingt nach Frankfurt ziehen nach meiner Ausbildung, doch ich habe leider kein Geld. Wie schaffe ich es endlich weg zukommen von zu Hause und würde mir der Staat da helfen?
You do an education, get some money. Maybe your parents can give you money for the transition.
It becomes difficult, in Frankfurt apartments are expensive. A WG room might be feasible
hi, I don’t deserve any money in training, my mother would never allow me to take off, so no money unfortunately :/
That’s a shame
Thanks for star
The state won’t help you. Either you can take the train for training or you can stay there.
I would, of course, look for work, but there must be some kind of grants, etc. I’m not taking a good look, but because I’m mentally burdened.
No, there are no grants. You are not in need and can come up for your living : So you have to. The state doesn’t pay you an apartment and he doesn’t look for you either.
All right, if you just want to see it like that.
No, that’s perfectly right. You can work, so make your apartment. Every second has any mental problems.
I find it very bad that young people do not help to get out of a toxic household, for which they can’t do anything.
first save money, then take off if you don’t want to get rid of your parents, otherwise you will land very quickly on the road
It takes too long for me, I can’t do it.