Wie schädlich ist weed?

Hallo, ich M/17 kiffe ca. 2-3 mal im Monat.

Ich frage mich dabei, wie schädlich das ist/sein kann.

Wenn ich mich im Internet dazu erkundige und recherchiere finde ich nur Studien etc. von Leuten die teilweise täglich kiffen und davon selbstverständlich entsprechende Folgen tragen.

Das trifft aber so kaum auf meine Situation/mein Konsumverhalten zu

W schädlich kann es sein wenn man es 2-3 mal im Monat (manchmal auch garnicht) macht, hat da jemand von euch Erfahrung/Wissen etc.?

Freue mich auf alle Antworten, lg. M

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2 years ago

It’s different for everyone. Know e.g. a person who was already noticeable before and then has started to ciff and had immediately after the first times ne psychosis. Of course, it’s not the rule that it goes so fast, but everything is possible.

2 years ago

of people who cried and of them of course related consequences carry.

If it is actually the way you say, you can certainly explain with credible facts why, for example, Snoop Dogg does not have “corresponding consequences”. Or Willie Nelson. Or hundreds of thousands of patients who use cannabis several times a day to alleviate their disease.

Do not use your own (imaginative) cannabis consumption from possible “health” – but from possible usefulness. Google for this the term “endocannabinoid system”.

2 years ago

Depends on the crowd. 2-3 times a month can mean everything. If you go straight through a whole ridge, it can always affect the psyche. A colleague of mine recently passed his withdrawal.

As usual, however, if you notice that you have changed something about your life as longer as usual, lasting thirst and or hunger, fatigue etc. If you consume a month nix and see if you feel a urge.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

How risky cannabis use is the subject of current research. It is clear that the risks associated with consumption are greater, the younger you are when you start consumption and the more common and intensive you consume. From a recent review paper:

• Appropriate evidence indicates that a persistent, frequent use of cannabis in childhood is associated with a low reduction in neurocognitive function.

• The abstinence of cannabis is likely to lead to a certain recovery of cognitive functions in young people.

• The long-term consumption of cannabis, which begins with young people, can lead to cognitive deficits that do not recover so quickly in case of abstinence.

• There are some indications that cannabis use in childhood is associated with differences in the brain structure, but these results must be replicated.


Even the best studies can’t say anything about individuals. Too many factors play a role in how a substance affects the individual. It remains in general places.

The older you are when you start consumption and the less you consume, the lower the risks associated with consumption. However, consumption is not risk-free.

Apart from the effects on development, there are still the acute and usually also temporary side effects that arise as a result of a non-killfulOverdosecan yield. Such as dizziness, concentration problems, dryness of the mouth, red eyes, cough attacks, nausea, vomiting, heartaches, circulatory problems and/or anxiety conditions.

Furthermore, in people with acute or slumbering mental suffering, it can lead to a worsening of the symptoms or to an outbreak of suffering. The risks are also increased in the youth age, and the risk of developing a dependency disease.

Unhealthy can also be the form of consumption itself, which is especially true for smoking. Brewed particles are never healthy and particularly unhealthy for the developing lung. Vaporization is less unhealthy but still not healthy.

The fact that the property is generally illegal and that it can be prosecuted should also be observed. If you become noticeable with anesthetic agents, this leads to at least one BTM entry with the police. Any problems with the driver’s licence can also have a damaging effect on life.

Blöd is also that you can never be sure of the black market what you actually get. There are various extenders that make the consumption of cannabis much more risky than it should be. An overview here:

Stretchers in marijuana – How to recognize them and what risks they take,https://hanfverband.de/content/streckmittel-in-marihuana-wie-man-sie-erkennt-und-welche-risk-of-the-out

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks and information about low-risk consumption associated with consumption can be found here:

2 years ago

Some already develop a psychosis for one-time consumption, and others have no effect.

At 17, however, it is very harmful. Before 21 it leads to life-long brain changes that would not be there without weed. No one can tell you if you’ll remember that on your iq. I wouldn’t be worth it.