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The cleaning agent is diluted and it was certainly not a large amount, so rinse it with water, then it should be good.
If you only have water in the windshield wiper water tank there is zero risk. However, if you have additives such as antifreeze (winter) in the container, then rinse your eyes thoroughly with clear water. An improvement should be adjusted if not, then get to the hospital.
Depending on the additives: Insect/protein solvents, (possibly frost protection) are also diluted not recommended for skin and eye contact…
Please contact a doctor in case of unpleasant side effects and/or noticeable redness/swelling. It’s about your eyesight!
Depends on whether you have a lot in the eye or little wiping water is as similar to soap only with frost protection in it should burn it you can sprinkle your eye under sink for 2 minutes and the eye must be on
There is a small number on such means at the bottom. Below you will find the product and exact composition
You will survive
O.K. survive: Under certain circumstances blind on one side… No real option for me… sorry.
Ah. And because of a drop of windshield wiper water in your eye, do you jump off the cliff? Sure, yes
I’ll give you the right… This is always a good proposal!
The way to the next faucet is certainly even shorter and saves important time and thus important percentages of your vision 😂
So I know (so about) what I’m adding to my windshield wiper water. And this isn’t all ph-neutral, or something else safe for my eyelight…
Jumping from the cliff… The way to my doctor is shorter and I can be very lazy/comfortable!