Wie sagt man „Großer roter Wein“ auf Spanisch?
Oder weißer Wein
wenn ich 6 x 0,33l 5% innerhalb 1h trinke was kann passieren? Habe gehört das führt zu einer Alkoholvergiftung 180 100kg 19 Jahre alt
Auch wenn ihr sonst ein perfektes habt?
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Ich habe adhs und bin nach dem Kokskonsum trotz smoken/kiffen komme ich locker 2/3 Stunden net runter. Und hilft da Alkohol oder verstärkt das das koks?
Ich hab gestern ein bisschen zu viel Alkohol konsumiert und hab jetzt Durchfall. Ist das eine normale Nebenwirkung?
Hello, Markus,
They say that neither in German nor in Spanish.
It’s called red wine or big red wine.
We Germans like to rewrite and therefore you can also express the following.
This wine has an intense red.
In red wine, a Spaniard never speaks of a red wine, no matter in what context, but also speaks of a colored wine. That is why the sentence would be as follows: Este vino tiene un tinto intenso.
Although the Spaniard is called a white wine (vino blanco), a red wine, however, is a coloured wine (vino tinto), it is likely that each red wine is a coloured wine. This is not different in here and now than 1,000 years ago. The result of the beginnings of a red wine was possibly not really red, but sometimes pink, sometimes reddish, but definitely always colored. Finally, this knowledge has emerged from a coincidence.
The background is as follows. Pressed grape juice is basically almost colourless, so clear. A reddish colouring is produced by a longer contact of the juice, with bowls of black grapes. The longer the contact, the more intense the coloring.
Good to you… and stay healthy.
Greeting, RayAnderson 😉
Thanks for the star
I don’t know much Spanish but I think white wine is called Vino blanco
Does it mean vino rojo or rather vino tinto?