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2 years ago

Hello, Markus,

How to say “Great red wine” in Spanish?

They say that neither in German nor in Spanish.

It’s called red wine or big red wine.

  • vino = wine
  • rojo = red
  • ABER… it is called red wine and not red wine
  • Red wine = vino tinto
  • tinto = coloured

We Germans like to rewrite and therefore you can also express the following.

This wine has an intense red.

In red wine, a Spaniard never speaks of a red wine, no matter in what context, but also speaks of a colored wine. That is why the sentence would be as follows: Este vino tiene un tinto intenso.

Although the Spaniard is called a white wine (vino blanco), a red wine, however, is a coloured wine (vino tinto), it is likely that each red wine is a coloured wine. This is not different in here and now than 1,000 years ago. The result of the beginnings of a red wine was possibly not really red, but sometimes pink, sometimes reddish, but definitely always colored. Finally, this knowledge has emerged from a coincidence.

The background is as follows. Pressed grape juice is basically almost colourless, so clear. A reddish colouring is produced by a longer contact of the juice, with bowls of black grapes. The longer the contact, the more intense the coloring.

Good to you… and stay healthy.

Greeting, RayAnderson 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  RayAnderson

Thanks for the star

2 years ago

I don’t know much Spanish but I think white wine is called Vino blanco