Wie sage ich meiner Mutter das ich rauche?
Ich bin 16 und rauche seid ein und halb Jahren immer wieder mal heißt mit Freunden und wenn ich feiern gehe. Letztens hat meine Mutter etwas in meinen Zimmer gesucht während ich nicht zu Hause war und ist auf meinen Tabak und auch auf paar leere vapes gestoßen ich könnte mich aber gut raus reden. Jetzt hab ich aber irgendwie so bisschen schuld gefühle und bin am überlegen ob ich ihr erzählen soll das ich ab und zu rauche. Sie ist selbst seid sie Teenager ist Raucher aber trotzdem hab ich Angst vor ihrer Reaktion weil sie meine das sie hofft ich würde nie damit anfangen. Soll ich es ihr sagen und wenn ja wie oder soll ich dieses schuldgefühl einfach unterdrücken?
If she’s a smoker herself, she’ll probably have started smoking at a similar age. You think I have good chances that she has understanding. That she doesn’t want you to start being comprehensible. When she argues “stress does” with it, “You have started at age”
Don’t talk about it for long, but just go straight when your mother smokes up and asks her if you can get one, and then be honest and tell her you smoke longer and what she found in your room of you. And that you’re ready to stop it is no longer possible. I go very strongly from it she will accept it and also allow you. LG Saskia
I started smoking at the end of 12. At 14 my parents then noticed it, and I just said that I smoke, then they always brought me zigarettes and that was not a problem. I think if your mother smokes herself anyway, she’ll see that relaxed and you can tell her calmly. Bzw just sit on the balcony or something and smoke one, then she will come cin alone
Just let it out. Tell her everything. Guilt feelings are even very helpful in this situation.
Tell her! Especially if it’s only occasionally. She’s a smoker, and if she can’t handle it, that’s her fault.
Much better than living with any guilt.
I’m a teenager myself and I keep smoking. It’s much better to deal with it openly.
My parents were of course not enthusiastic, but my father couldn’t say anything because he is also smoker himself.
My mother doesn’t care much anymore.
It’s hardly conceivable that she really believed your excuses. She won’t be so naive.
Oh, but she thinks it’s because I’ve always been her good “small” girl and you just noticed how I talked out was very relieved
I know this is now the standard response, but stop smoking, now it should be a bit good, later it becomes more difficult. My suggestion would be, say it to her, but also tell her you want to stop (if you want it), then maybe she can help her.
Well just said as done right now it doesn’t work to listen or breaks everything in me
In any case easier said than done, I do not smoke myself and therefore it is easy to say; stop, but I think it would be good for you
I understand, I can’t force you to nothing xD
Can be but it does not work yet
Tell her. She’ll get it sooner or later.
If you feel guilty, stop smoking
LG Smithyman