Wie sage ich es meiner Mutter (Augenarzt)?
Hey, ich habe am Donnerstag einen Augenarzt Termin wegen einer Kontrolle ohne Hintergrund. Ich bin seit ca. 2 Jahren kurzsichtig habe es aber meiner Mutter (oder irgendjemandem) aus Angst nie gesagt. Ich muss ihr es vor dem Arzttermin noch irgendwie sagen das ich nicht gut sehen kann aber wie mache ich das, habe Angst.
That this is a little unpleasant to you can be understood. But somehow you have to.
Take your courage together and talk to her on the appointment with the ophthalmologist. Tell her you’re expecting a glasses to be prescribed.
So: wait a good moment where she has time; get air once and then get out.
Thank you for the nice answer!!🙏🙏 I would have a question, she’s not at home until Wednesday morning, on Thursday I have control, I would like to tell her about chat (that’s always my favorite), do you know how to formulate the sentence?
I’ll write you (yet) about the ophthalmologist’s appointment on Thursday. I’m a little excited. I don’t think I can see that well. It can be that I get a spectacle prescribed.
And then you’ll see how she reacts.
Thank you! I’ll try and tear myself together
Your mom will understand