How safe is sex one day after the end of your period?

Would you need a condom if your period ended the day before or would it be safe without a condom?

Ovulation occurs about 14 days before the next period, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?

And if for whatever reason it is not safe, is the morning-after pill sufficient as a contraceptive?

(Yes, I know the morning-after pill is not intended as a contraceptive, but it's purely theoretical)

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8 months ago


Fertility and pill afterwards

An ovulation takes place once in a cycle (from one period to the next period). The ovulation is required to become pregnant.

The ovulation finds approx. 12-16 days before the next period (usually 14 days before). Sperms can survive up to 5 days in the body so you can get pregnant even 5 days before ovulation by unprotected sex. An egg can survive 12-24 hours after ovulation after it dies and you are no longer fertilizing.

This means returning from the next expected period 14 days (please use a calendar) and marks this day. Then paint 5 days before the ovulation and one day after the ovulation (due to the survival of the egg). All that is now marked is the so-called fertile phase and at this time the probability is that one becomes pregnant the highest.


The pill After that only works when you take it before the ovulation. So if you have an accident then look into the calendar if you are currently in your fertile phase. So if your ovulation soon arrives, you can then move it through the pill 5 days to the back (the period comes later too). If your ovulation is already over or should not come in the next 5 days, the pill is then useless and effective (can have side effects). If you have an irregular cycle then it is really best if you use an app because you can calculate it hard.

If you can have absolutely no child and you are uncertain whether you are in your fertile phase you can make a so-called ovulation test. He can tell you if you’re fertile or even have your ovulation. If the ovulation test is then positive (please read the package leaflet because an ovulation test is not as easy as a pregnancy test) then you can take the pill afterwards. Depending on the brand, this can be taken up to 72 hours after the accident.

Since you can never know 100% when the ovulation takes place, you should always prevent it in young years where the ovulation can really move quickly. If the ovulation was not yet and Case X is standing, you can always take the pill after it for safety, but you should not do that too often.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



8 months ago

I would in principle (if you really want to exclude a pregnancy to 99.9%) never allow me to calculate the fertile days. Pill after that is of course an option (if accepted according to the instructions) but also not a constant one. That would be as well as with the premature pull out, even this is not a safe method to prevent. And I understand very well the appeal of sex without condom I am also not the giant fan of the things but there you have to look at yourself or badly at the risk and consider whether you can live with it. With the pill after that I could live as a man (if really ne panne has happened and I pay) with condom also if she takes the pill also or spiral etc. but interruptus or any calculations that would only come into question for me if I could live with any pregnancy.

8 months ago
Reply to  Bust5444

I’m not so smart. I always answer from my own knowledge because I find the Dr. Google can use everyone and everyone can also read out texts with probabilities. Now I have entered the point of interest and the sperm came out to survive 5 days in the woman and even while the egg is being expelled (during the period) a pregnancy is possible. I don’t want to go on your biscuits now, but I still think this fact is more likely than a pregnancy by pill, pill after it or condom (with proper application)

I give you right, the likelihood is certainly low, but as mentioned above, it depends on how much likelihood for YOU is ok. In a situation in which a child does not necessarily (at once) planned, but there is no world downfall I would do this without any problems (where I would like to generally leave the condom if somehow possible). But if it were a world fall, you would get pregnant and you can’t imagine it for whatever reason, I’m sorry that the stupidest scenario isn’t stupid enough to not expect it.

8 months ago
Reply to  Bust5444

It’s still possible, if it’s small.

Sperms can also survive in a woman for up to 5 days.

8 months ago

Sperm survive in the female body for up to 5 days and can wait in the egg guide for an egg. An egg is fertilizing for a maximum of 24 hours. Fertilization only occurs on the ovulation day itself.

The fertile time is therefore composed of the survival of the sperm and the egg cell and therefore extends from 5 days before to one day after the ovulation.

Only from sex in this time can a woman become pregnant.

For a picture book cycle of 28 days (first day of menstruation is the first day of the cycle) the ice jump takes place around the 14th. cycle day instead. Then the fertile days extend from the 10th to the 15th cycle day.

But hardly a woman works like a Swiss clockwork and the ovulation cannot be easily counted on the calendar.

In the case of almost 20% of all healthy women, the ovulation points are found before the 14th. Cycle day instead, 5% even before the 12th cycle day.

So if you bleed long and get a shortened cycle, you can get pregnant by sex at the end of your period bleeding.

Therefore, safe prevention at any time of the cycle is necessary and emergency prevention can be useful at any time of the cycle.

Happy for you!

8 months ago

No it is always a danger for pregnancy, as the sperms in the body do not die immediately

8 months ago
Reply to  Bust5444

There is always a danger of pregnancy, even if a girl had her period shortly before

8 months ago

You speculate whether the ovulation really takes place 14 days after the period.

If your cycle is really always 28 days, you can talk about the 14 days. In case of irregularity, the day of ovulation is extended between 12 and 16 . Day of cycle.

Otherwise, I would say that you can get pregnant even after the period. Sperms can survive up to 5 days in the womb, so the chance of pregnancy is never 0.