How to permanently remove rust from screws?
I have a few rusty screws on my motorcycle that I'd like to get rust-free. I don't really want to get new ones in case they don't fit and I'm sure I can remove them anyway.
Will normal rust remover work?
I've also heard that you can soak the screws in vinegar. Will the rust come back? There are many different opinions.
Thank you in advance for your answers☺️
Best regards
Depending on the installation location, use stainless steel screws. But make sure that a possible predetermined strength of the screws is also maintained!
Only V4A screws will help permanently.
or galvanized or otherwise
Galvanization does not help permanently.
But if you galvanize it, you usually damage it again during assembly, so it starts to rust again these damages…
Without knowing where they are used, this is dangerous. Stainless steel screws are not durable!