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6 months ago

Cannabis has chemically very stable fragrance components from the group of terpenes, which can, for example, adhere to textiles. There’s something that reminds me of Urin. But everyone has their own associations. Some find the smell rather sweet and pleasant, others earthy and lazy.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

There is not a typical grass odor. Cannabis contains numerous different substances that contribute to the odor profile. Terpenes, flavonoids, etc., which also occur elsewhere in nature and are known to most people in one form or another. Depending on the variety, many different smells are possible.

For more information, see here:

6 months ago

I wouldn’t call the canabis smell directly a smell or not just… It smells slightly sweet but it is not the smell itself that is noticeable, but how the smell feels.

6 months ago

Sweet. Like a strict perfume. I was once on a relative visit in Peru: Aas smells there (of cattle that was torn by birds of prey, but then not quickly rotted because of the cool temperatures); not really negative. My cousin said in a joke: “It smells rural. That’s why we cook business stores in the Andes. ‘

6 months ago

Cannabis has a characteristic, somewhat oriental fragrance. A number of different terpenes, phenols and flavonoids are responsible for this.

6 months ago

It depends entirely on the variety.

What just hangs to dry up depends on Papaya and.. Kush? (Ayahuasca Purple from Barneys Farm) 😅

What grows in my garden smells like anis and generally quite spicy (Durban Poison by Dutch Passion).

6 months ago

So people exaggerate completely smells sweet so naturally comes to the variety but then you don’t smell cannabis smell more like cow crap?

6 months ago

To describe unknown perceptions of the senses is practically impossible. How would you describe, for example, the smell of a freshly mowed meadow that never had anything to do with it?

Once you smell it, you will see the smell again and again. Some who have never seen cannabis consciously and smell it often think about burned herbs or a very strict perfume.

6 months ago

It’s pretty indescribable.