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If that’s actually silver… try out if the round is magnetic? (as the first and easiest way)
If the silver is, you can hardly see what the coin has happened, or so… the coin is irreparably ruined;/
If any mechanical forces have worked, the bad condition should only be on the side shown if it has been some “liquid”, then the back should also be so badly dressed?
What makes me a little stubborn is the yellowish stain at 4 o-O?!
No matter which coin, only use an ultrasound bath, does not cost the world.
Or let the coin bathe in lukewarm chemical-free soap water and then purify it with gentle pressure with a toothbrush.
All other methods only cause damage.
Smoothly clean after a US bath with a new microfiber cloth.
apart from the badest possible photo of the world to judge something like this, it just looks like a sad disc
Ultrasound cleaner and aluminum foil.
“Sauber” is the supposed coin yes… it’s missing… “Surface” ;D^^… if you want to call this…
Not at all. How do you think it’s a coin? I see a sheet metal or metal disc
Because if you look closely at an annual number and other things you can see that are common for a coin, but you don’t see in pictures right?
There’s nothing in the picture. That’s why I asked.
I don’t think you can save anything.
Maybe so.