Wie repariere ich diese Grafikkarte?
Hi hab vor kurzem meinem cousin die 2080 super abgenommen weil sie kaputt war er meinte wenn ich sie reparieren kann darf ich sie behalten da er sich jetzt eine neue holt frage ist was ist kaputt?
sie gibt kein bild wenn angeschlossen und mainboard leuchtet rot bei gpu.
waren bei repair shop die meinten die haben auch keine Ahnung haben die graka aufgemacht und mir im offenen Zustand wieder gegeben 🤦♂️ jetzt sitz ich mit ner offenen Grafikkarte ohne Schrauben der graka und habe keine ahnung was kaputt is weis einer vielleicht woran es liegen könnte?
tja… there can be so much broken: VRAM, Board, GPU, nen Elko, the power supply, ne conductor track, can also be only ne cold solder
but there are also specialized FIrmen, but would claim: is probably never worth it
and if you have broken the card and given it without screws: make the rims
The junkyard takes the without screws
Klaro… the value farm is the snoop
it went to fix
You wrote yourself “with the ollen card”
Each of the parts on it can be broken. Even if you have measuring instruments worth several crisp euro, it will be hard to find out what is broken.
Only if there’s something “burned” or it’s broken off can you just say what’s “at least” broken.
It’s like a car that doesn’t drive anymore. This ranges from “no more gasoline” to any part broken up to “panzer over it” why it doesn’t drive. That’s what you have to look at to find out why it’s not going.
And with a graphics card this is very difficult, because with the clock rates that occur in the graphics card you need measuring instruments that are fast enough, i.e. costing thousands of euros.
So as instructed by one here the graka in because oven has pushed the graphics card going and the light is gone you hear through the headset because win11 sound and everything else can’t get a picture
That’s nice, did you at least put a pizza in? Otherwise it was just a waste of electricity.
The idea with the oven is to resolutely solder the BGA (Ball Grid Array) soldering points of the chips. To do this, you need an oven that creates more than 300°C.
And a “simple oven” grills or then damaged many parts that are heat sensitive. So you need something that specifically heats the chips.
Here’s something.
And then this only helps if the reason why the card has failed is a bad BGA soldering site.
It can also not be done without any traces, but one of the components will cause or be burned through. That would be my guess
Or also a cold solder that I would not have had on the screen without comments
Habs jez in because of the sluts the graka goes to light is away you hear about win11 sound when it comes to pc but somehow get no picture
If you don’t even know how to screw the cooling to a graphics card, you won’t be able to repair it.
It could otherwise be anything, from defect chip to burned resistance. But without experience in soldering and reading switching pictures, you won’t be able to do anything
Without screws? Didn’t the shop give it back? Then I would do the Radau. If you’re lucky, it’s just cold soldering. You can solder yourself or bake in the oven. With luck she goes back
No screws had to screw themselves which from an old graka hollen 2 I liked at a place connected with cable ties
Then you probably have a problem with the contact pressure and resulting heat problems if you get them back in motion
It is not the same oven in which food is prepared
Preferably not. And then, after that, heat and let it ventilate several times before you prepare something. I have a mini oven for other purposes. That would be an alternative
You can dispose.
Have cool body and housing the graka still
Can you still not repair